The story of Rise Of The Ronin is expanded with a look at more of the Ronin and other members of the game’s cast
In ten days from right now, as of this writing, we will be able to dive into the story of Rise Of The Ronin on the PS5. A quick turnaround for the game and with Team Ninja pushing it hard, it looks like it is going to capture the hearts and minds of so many out there. As long as you are in the camp of loving these kinds of stories out there. Although, with what we have here today for Rise Of The Ronin, we might see a few more ways out there as we get a deeper look at the story. The story and a quick vignette of the various characters that we will interact with, fight with, or need to fight against in the game. Let us take a little look at how this story is going to be different than many others we have had over the years.
In a little bit of a twist of things here for Rise Of The Ronin, it does look as if we are not going to be getting a straightforward look at the game's story right now, but more of a look at the political factions and their motivations during the time the game takes place. Motivations that all lead to someone looking for power and looking to have those under them to lay their lives on the line for that. This is where we, as Ronin, will need to select which we will align with and try to shape the history of Japan and a bit of the world we live in. Along with the influences of some of the Western nations in the mix who also have their own agendas with who might be in power. All leading to a bloody conflict and an end that history books might be able to tell us before we even play the game. Maybe something different depending on our actions, though.
Rise Of The Ronin — Story Vignette
Meet the key political factions in Rise Of The Ronin, that vie for power in this tumultuous time. Which will you align to?
Available March 22, 2024, only on PS5!
All in all, Rise Of The Ronin sounds like it is going to follow along some historical bits of the story while giving us some little things we can change along the way to get us further immersed in. I am guessing that since this is a bit of a historical reenactment kind of game, there is not going to be much of a deviation in the grand scale, but this will be more about the personal stories that get lost to time out there. We have heard many times before that Rise Of The Ronin is trying to place itself firmly in some historical fact out there, so it does feel a little off to try to highlight some story that could be different than all of that. We have seen it happen before where things get changed, but I will lean on the side of many knowing the meta-story better than anything before this one launches and the rest will be icing on that cake to a degree.
Do you enjoy these kinds of stories out there where we take up arms as a lost Ronin or do you enjoy a different style of story? How close to fact will the main narrative come and will we only see deviations in the personal stories that can be fact or fiction? Would you want to play a game where the whole story can be spoiled by reading a history book? Head into the comment section to discuss it all and let the world know your thoughts on all of it. There is more to come for Rise Of The Ronin, certainly, and we will share it all here as soon as we can. All you need to do is keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others we have coming your way out there.