The Switch version of Biomutant is on the way to give more a chance to see the world that Biomutant offers us all
It has only taken a few years and now it looks as if the Switch gamers will finally have their shot at experiencing what Biomutant has to offer them. Yes, it looks as if Experiment 101 and THQ Nordic are putting the final touches on the game for the platform and only three years after the game originally launched. Almost to the day with the Switch version of Biomutant now slated to drop on May 14th of this year. Just shy of being an anniversary release, but getting more gamers into this title is worth that little discrepancy in my book.
You can have a look at how this version of Biomutant will look running on the Switch just below. It shows off how all of the gameplay has been carried over so we can experience this new world on the go, again, as well as all of the DLC that has been released for the game up to now. Some of which were the preorder bonuses and other bits that some gamers shelled out for before. So that is one more little enticement to give this version of Biomutant a try. Then you too can save these new and ravaged lands out there with our fuzzy little friend and make sure all of the tribes are living in harmony once and for all. A game that looks and sounds like it would have been perfect on the platform way back at the original launch of it all. You can now have a look at it all if you did not skip on down to the video already.
Biomutant — Switch Announcement
Embark on an adventure with Biomutant’s ever-evolving hero soon on the go!
Biomutant is making its way to the Nintendo Switch on May 14, 2024.
Looking at the visuals for this version of Biomutant, it is a little apparent why it did not launch on the Switch originally. Much of it looks a little dated and lackluster when compared to all of the other versions of it all. Not just in a way that the screen abilities of the console are definitely inferior, but also that the hardware does not look like it can keep up with the game too. Not that it is a terrible thing to have, but for a game like Biomutant that focused on the fun and vibrant world out there, it makes sense that this was placed in the back for all of the others to shine before now. Having played the game on the PS4 and PS5 already, I have no real incentive to hop onto this version, but if you are not fortunate enough to have access to all the platforms, this is still a good game to experience. Just do not hold the visuals to the higher level.
Have you had a chance to play Biomutant before now or did you have to wait for the Switch version to drop out there? How do you feel about all of the DLC being added in to this version or do you even care having paid for it so long ago? Do you think the visual performance is why it took them so long to get the game on this system given how good it looks on the others? Fight it all out in the comment section below and then let the world know what you are thinking about it all. We will have more for Biomutant on the site, if there is more, so please keep on coming back here to see and experience it all as best as we all can out there.