See how our Ronin will be using combat techniques and allies in the bigger fight we will be entering into with Rise Of The Ronin
It is time to go further behind the scenes with Team Ninja as they wrap up the production for Rise Of The Ronin. We have had one of these videos already and there are more to come, so be ready for all of that as we wait for the March 22nd release on the PS5. For now, though, we have the latest that will take us further into the combat we can experience in Rise Of The Ronin as well as how it all came to be. Given that this title is bridging a bit of history out there, it will be interesting to see how the swords and guns will play in just as they did in the real world. All while trying to make the game further engaging and not just a shoot-em-up title instead.
Much of the history that is going into Rise Of The Ronin is based on events that truly transpired but that does not always make for the best video game out there. This is where we get to see the various guns and melee weapons mixed in so they are engaging, true to the period, as well as not over powered. All to give us a bit of an engaging experience when it comes to this part of Rise Of The Ronin. Along with the ability to bring others along with us on the experience that seems to be able to build into synergy-style attacks too. More characters to care about and more ways to end the lives of our enemies out there. What else could we all want from this game out there, right?
Rise Of The Ronin — Behind The Scenes: The Fight
Join Team Ninja in this second chapter of their Behind the Scenes series as we delve deeper into the combat features of Rise Of The Ronin.
From the veteran developers of Nioh and Ninja Gaiden — Rise Of The Ronin introduces deeply engaging yet accessible combat, with layers of complexity that caters to a variety of playstyles.
Learn more about melee and ranged weaponry, commanding unique special moves to prevail in combat in the world of 19th-century “Bakumatsu” Japan.
Available March 22, 2024 only on PS5!
It is weird that the team says they wanted to keep things as real as possible for Rise Of The Ronin but still lean into the flying and overly exaggerated jumping in the game. That does work to give us a fun video game but removes much of the realism that they keep mentioning. Sure, humans might be able to deflect some of the slower bullets from the time period, but I would like to know how many can bulk themselves up to an eight-foot muscle-bound human in the mix. It does happen, sure, and not to the extent we see here in Rise Of The Ronin but I have a feeling we will see many of these enemies that will remove all of that "realism". I do hate when they hype games up with that "real" factor only to show how little they are going to use it.
Are you ready to join the fight with the different characters we will have in Rise Of The Ronin? How well do you think the guns and melee weapons will mix while keeping us all from going all Dirty Harry on everyone? How do you feel about the realism claim in all of this and will there be some explanation for all of that beyond lying to the public to make it sound cooler than it is? Fight it all out in the comment section below and then discuss it in a very real way. When there is more to share for Rise Of The Ronin, and we know there will be, we will share it all here for you. Just be sure to come on back and see all of that as it does drop out there.