Atomic Heart
The launch of the next DLC for Atomic Heart is here for us all to walk into Limbo one more time in Atomic Heart
Limbo has now opened up to us all one more time in the world of Atomic Heart with the latest DLC dropping on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. One that is going to give us more of what Mundfish has been great at giving us in an FPS while also leaning into more of the weird hidden within. This is something that Atomic Heart has done well since launch, but now it looks as if the restraints are off and we need to hold onto our butts for all of the super, extra weird things to enter the world. Not to mention a bit more of the story that might also take a darker twist with our protagonist's lost wife coming back into the fold. At least in a small bit of a way.
This has been a DLC that has been on many minds since it was first hinted at for Atomic Heart and those who have paid ahead for it can download it right now. Everyone else can pick it up as they see fit too. All so we can build upon the core game and the previous addition to the story with the DLC as we head into a new world filled with all manner of sweets and baked goods. All of this will unlock more skills and weapons in Atomic Heart along with seven other skins for us to use in the full game as well. As long as we are willing to rise up to the challenge. Something that we can get further hyped up for with the release of the fourth volume of the game's soundtrack too. Have a look. Have a listen. Then see if you are going to be giving the game your extra money and time to dive into all of this weirdness the world is offering up.
Atomic Heart — Trapped In Limbo Launch Trailer
Get ready for an explosive adventure as Focus Entertainment and Mundfish celebrate the release of Atomic Heart’s highly anticipated second DLC, “Trapped In Limbo”. This captivating expansion is available right now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. Free for all owners of the Atomic Pass, this DLC plunges gamers back into the mad and colorful world of Limbo, promising new insane gameplay, bizarre enemies, and exciting revelations.
Get a glimpse into the heart-pounding action and Limbo-flavored challenges that await in today’s Trapped in Limbo Launch Trailer.
Dive into the Mind-Bending Story of “Trapped In Limbo” DLC.
Rules have changed. Trapped In Limbo picks up right where the main game ends, exploring a different ending from the first Annihilation Instinct DLC. Venture into new sections of the twisted Limbo world, brimming with fan-favorite challenges with a unique Limbo flavor. Players, along with the help of the Twin’s essence, formerly P-3’s wife, will guide him through dizzying obstacles, unravel the secrets of his past and the enigmatic world of Limbo, and engage in a true combat extravaganza with uniquely designed opponents and weapons.
Players will experience the contrast of Atomic Heart’s worlds with unconventional mechanics selected to blow them away. And while navigating this insane gameplay, they’ll collect apples to unlock skills and weapons, along with gold coins to access up to 7 unique skins for use in the main campaign. The fate of Major P-3 lies within the depths of Limbo, and it’s up to players to rise to the challenge, surviving in a world with inverted logic to free P-3’s mind from his demons.
Atomic Heart’s original soundtrack adds an explosive Vol.4!
The Trapped In Limbo DLC release also marks the addition of the game’s fourth album to its Original Soundtrack, which is available for free for all current owners! New dynamic and atmospheric tracks from the fresh DLC will help players to immerse themselves back into the strange and stunning world of Limbo any time they want! The Atomic Heart OST Vol.4 is also available now on all the relevant digital platforms.
Trapped In Limbo is now available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. Included in the Atomic Pass and the Gold and Premium Editions, Trapped In Limbo is also available as a standalone purchase.
I will say that I am a little confused about why this is all called Limbo in Atomic Heart and not something like Candy Land or the like. The first look at the DLC did make it seem like there was a lot more going on, but now it looks like we are all over the gameboard from the childhood board game. All as we collect apples and shoot all manner of cake people in the mix. Maybe the story of it all will make a bit more sense once we dive in, but it just feels off. Even for a game as odd as Atomic Heart has been up to now. I am still going to give it all a solid chance, do not get me wrong, it just has me scratching my head as to what is all going on and why it is all going on.
Are you already playing the new DLC for Atomic Heart or did you forget that it was coming? Will all of the candy and cake imagery make sense in the story or will it just be an artistic choice that they seemed to have gone along with for this DLC? Where do you think all of this is going to take us into the future and will we get more for this IP down the line? Wander on into the comment section to start the discussion of it all. When we have more to share for Atomic Heart, we will share it all here for you. Please come on back to see and hear it all as we head right into the future of the world.