One last gameplay breakdown for Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden is out to make sure we are ready to take on the role of these Banishers soon
At this point, I feel as if we all know Red and Antea rather well for Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden. There has been a whole lot of story out there and a whole lot of gameplay footage that DON’T NOD has put together for us all to enjoy. Not that I am complaining, but it is starting to feel as if Focus Entertainment is dropping a new "breakdown" video every week as we get closer to the launch of the game on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC this February 13th. That is about two weeks as of this writing. That said, it does still as if we are learning more about our Banishers each time and this one feels like it should be the last one we might get with how in-depth of a look at the game we have once more.
In this new and large breakdown for Banishers there is a bit of the same focus on things that we have had for the run so far, but also a look at how Red and Antea will actually function in combat. Like the fact that Red will be able to strike the dead and this will build up other skills along the way. Also, we will be able to seamlessly shift between Red and Antea during combat and this can lead to some massive synergy if we time it all correctly. Like to the point where Red can make attacks at 300% damage than normal. I have a feeling this is going to be something we will need to master as we fight our way through the various different ways Banishers can end out there. You can see all of this in motion just a little lower down so you can see the old stuff along with the newer things that are in the video just before the game hits the masses out there.
Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden — Gameplay Breakdown
Preorder the Action-RPG Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden now and receive the “Wanderer Set” for free when the game launches on February 13.
Get to know five essential tips to begin with the game before it launches on February 13th for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
New Eden, 1695: Antea and Red are lovers and Banishers, protecting people from lingering specters. In a world full of occult danger, play as both characters, face terrible choices, and make hard decisions as you fight all kinds of creatures. Get to know how to help lift the curse affecting the people — while dealing with your own tragedy as lovers. Discover a mix of combat styles with Red’s rifle, sword, and firebane alongside Antea’s ethereal attacks. With her otherworldly skills, unveil the invisible and unleash devastating spiritual attacks. Switch characters effortlessly to create combos and powerful synergies as you face increasingly malicious foes.
Every soul you banish, every spirit you grant peace, every life you sacrifice to save Antea will inexorably guide you towards one ending or another. Will you be a merciful savior or a relentless Banisher?
I will say, I was partially expecting to see Red only deal with the living side of things and Antea only with the dead. It feels like that is how it should be with where each of these Banishers are on the veil. It will be an interesting twist on things, that is to say. It has also worked well in other games, so I am curious to see if they are able to pull it all off just as well. All of the gameplay before now has sold me on it, and the latest for Banishers is doing just the same. I know I will need something to break up the horrible day that comes after the launch, and this is feeling more and more like it will scratch that itch perfectly. Even to the point where I will want to see how both sides of the argument play out as we go through redeeming and banishing those souls that are still wandering the Earth. Just as a great game should have us doing.
How are you feeling about all of these new things we are learning for the Banishers and will there be anything else left to learn? How smooth do you think the combat will make these shifts and will it be just a button press and screen shift? Do you like hearing that Red will be the one fighting the dead more than Antea or would it make more sense to go the other way with it all? Head on into the comment section to let us all know and then discuss it all as you wish. There is more to come for Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden, and we will have it all here. Please keep on checking back for those updates and the many others we have in the pipes leading up to the launch and then into the future after it all.