So let’s forward a day later for the Sony Press Conference as Square-Enix once again took center stage to show off Final Fantasy XIII. Only this time around they only showed an extended trailer for the game. Which was nice and made me have to change my pants. But the excitement did not stop there. This year around Square-Enix dropped yet another bombshell as they showed a trailer of a Playstation 3 exclusive of Final Fantasy XIV. When they announced Final Fantasy XIV you can hear the echoes across the room as everyone was questioning: “Final Fantasy XIV? Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII is not even out yet.” As soon as the whispered died and the trailer rolled I was left having to change my pants yet again.
Once again Square-Enix is taking the Final Fantasy series back online with XIV and it is going to be interesting to see how this one will be played out. Will they announce a PC version of the game? Will it interact with those on the PC if they do announce there is one?
Overall these two games have a target date for spring of 2010 for America and Europe. I for one cannot wait for these two titles to release. So for all you Final Fantasy fans out there, get your swords at the ready, have your white spell book all set, make sure ViVi has remembered his black magic as Final Fantasy will be a reality in 2010!