The Walking Dead
The launch is here for The Walking Dead: Destinies and we have one more look at one of The Walking Dead characters in action
We have had our fun talking about The Walking Dead: Destinies and all of the possibilities it could create. Now, it is time to dig in and see what Flux Games and GameMill Entertainment have to offer the world. The game is finally out there, digitally, for those who want to give it a go on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC. There is a need to keep The Walking Dead IP going still and this is another way to do it. All so we can see how things might have played out in the TV show if the characters made different choices or some of them were not protected by plot armor or fan rage. I mean, could you imagine if they killed off Carl during the first season of the show… That looks like something that could happen here.
Before we dig into that whole Carl thing, we do have a look at some of the combat that Daryl will get into in The Walking Dead: Destinies. More of the same that we spoke about in the last update we offered out there with the visuals looking rather dated and lackluster. Also with the same kind of stealth we would come to know, even if it would have made more sense to do the Walker Blood trick in these instances too. Then we would not need to see anyone "sneaking" by doing the same basic crouch animation in the mix. Some of the events we see even had that play out in the show and various other forms of media that The Walking Dead is in. I guess it is a gameplay trope for a reason and we have just settled in for all of that as we move forward in all games. We have to break our backs and knees to be able to sneak around things that do not hunt by sight specifically.
The Walking Dead: Destinies — Daryl In Combat
In this third-person action-adventure experience, begin your journey as Rick Grimes, waking alone in a hospital surrounded by the dead. Assemble allies and fight your way through the Walker apocalypse across iconic locations from The Walking Dead, including Atlanta, the Greene family farm, the prison, and Woodbury. In crucial choice-driven moments, you’ll forever shape the destiny of your team of characters from the series. Heroes and villains, living and dead – it’s up to you to decide whether to stay the course of history or forge your own path through the world of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Available 11.17.23 on Playstation 4|5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Coming in physical editions to Playstation, Xbox, and PC via Steam on 12.1.23 and Nintendo Switch on 1.26.24.
The Walking Dead: Destinies — Launch Trailer
All of that aside, the launch trailer for The Walking Dead: Destinies does offer up some of the same and some new looks at how the story could shift. Like the bigger one hinting that Carl might be able to die at the farm, along with a few other characters. Not only that, but that Carl could think of Shane as his full dad at some point in the narrative if we go down that path. Not much of a shock given that could happen, but worth noting since Carl would have a great memory of Rick still in the story. This is where I am willing to give The Walking Dead: Destinies some of the benefits of the doubt, as the stories told could be stellar and dig into some other aspects. Thus making us ignore all of the faults of the visuals that we know will be coming after the launch.
How do you feel about The Walking Dead: Destinies so far and does this all make you want to relive those seasons of content one more time? Do you think we will be able to allow for any character to die early on or will Daryl and Carol be safe through most of it? Will we see some of the other elements from the shows and comics in the mix of all of this or will it be the same basic gameplay with a fun story wrapped around it? Wander down to the comment section to discuss all of this if you are not already playing the game. If we have anything more to share for The Walking Dead: Destinies, we will share it all here. Please keep on checking back in for all of those updates and the many others we have along the way to you all.