There is more to the Ghostbusters story with a new edition out there for Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed
Just in time for Halloween fun this year, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed has a new edition out there to bring the title to the Switch and Steam gamers out there. Available as of you reading these words, you can head out there and get the Ecto Edition of the game from IllFonic so you can dive into this new story for the crew and become one of the Ghostbusters. This new edition not only brings the game to the new platforms but also brings all of the DLC and other updates/upgrades that have come since it first launched out there. A good number of fans are going to have more to do and now remotely if they so choose to bust some ghosts while going mobile.
Along with this new release of Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, those who have the game already will be getting to dig into a new major haunt and story out there too. The spirit of Halloween, that is what they are calling it, is out there and our new crew needs to go out and stop them. This is a new Overlord type that we can play as or go out and bust depending on how you enjoy playing this game. Of course, this new bit of DLC follows the traditional and basic ways to show off Halloween with a massive Jack-O-Lantern-headed ghost floating around and the color schemes the holiday is associated with. Not the most shocking of entries into Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, but something worth heading out there to play with if the dark horror is not your thing. Even if some of the Overlord attacks in the game can hit harder than other game's jump scares.
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed — Ecto Edition
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed - Ecto Edition is now available on Nintendo Switch and Steam!
Ecto Edition comes with an expansion to the story and includes all 4 previous DLC, 10 unique maps, and 28 unlockable ghost variants, including the new Overlord Type.
Play and experiment with new gear loadouts, character customization loadouts, improved AI, two new maps, and new cosmetics.
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is currently available on EPIC GAMES, Steam, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.
I will say that my playtime in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed has fallen off over the past few months and it has been hard to keep my attention in the mix. Mostly due to the fact that I cannot get a regular group together to give it all a play and the fact that the solo play was a bit subpar to me. I am a sucker for Halloween though, so I will probably be loading up my Ghostbusters team once more to see what the new addition has to offer out there. Maybe there will even be more players that are worth playing the game with now that there are more platforms to dig into. Thankfully, it does not look as if I am going to have to wait too long for this. You know, because I can go do all of that as soon as I am done writing the words you are still reading.
Have you been waiting for some more to do with the Ghostbusters or is it an IP that gets the nostalgia only during this time of year? Is the game now on a platform you will be able to play it on or will this only add a few more players into the mix? Will we have more updates to the Overlords and other aspects of the game or will the team focus on other games coming soon? Take to the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do. When we have more for Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, we will share it all with you here. Please keep on checking in for all of those updates and the many others we might have along the way out there.