Alan Wake
Get your recap of what happened in Alan Wake just before the full launch of Alan Wake 2 next week
It has been a good amount of time since the original Alan Wake dropped out there originally. Hells, it has been a bit of time since Remedy Entertainment gave us all the ability to play the game after the console exclusivity ran its course. I say all of this, as it has been a while for many since they have experienced the original game and DLCs out there. With Alan Wake 2 dropping on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on October 27th, it would be easy to assume that you all might need a recap of the events. Given that Alan is starting in a weird place and picking up thirteen years later, it feels needed. Well, that is just what we have here and now to present to you all.
You can see this new video for the Alan Wake timeline just a little lower down. A nice little video that quickly sums up the events of everything in the usual TV episodic way that the IP is well-known to us out there. It gives us a quick rundown on why Alan went to Bright Falls, some of the events that went down there, and how Alan ended up in the Dark Place. Given that he starts out Alan Wake 2 stuck there, if you did not remember that, this is a good way to dig into it all. There is even a little tease of what is to come in the upcoming game too if you are patient enough to make it all the way to the end. It is only a few minutes, so it would be odd if you did not wait that long after already jumping in to read all of this anyway.
Alan Wake 2 — Previously On… Alan Wake
Alan Wake 2 continues the writer’s story, 13 years later. Take a look back to the events that led to Alan Wake becoming trapped in the Dark Place, and how the small town of Bright Falls first fell to supernatural influences.
Alan Wake 2 launches on October 27th.
I recently played through all of the original Alan Wake to get ready for this release given the massive gap that went down between the games. I even went into the DLC and the DLC for Control as well. Even if it does feel as if none of that is going to matter much in the grander scheme of all of this. Most likely all of that will be nice little Easter Eggs in Alan Wake 2 but who knows given how they have written all of their games up to now. Remedy is really good at all of that so I would not be surprised if they worked in everything from all of their titles to give us all one massively fun experience to enjoy when the game is fully released next week. I am buckled in and ready for a fun ride, that is for sure.
Did you need this recap for Alan Wake to get ready for the upcoming release or did you replay everything as I did not too long ago? Do you think we will see all of the DLC get added in here or will it only be the core game without anything else mentioned all that much? Would you want to see all of their titles get mixed into the larger narrative of the game or do you only want to see what Alan has for us all? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to. More for Alan Wake 2 should be on the way to us all, please keep on checking in here to see and hear all of that. I know it will all be worth it for the best experience in gaming we can all have.