Dying Light
Check out the new trailer for Dying Light 2 that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure
Dying Light 2 is a first-person survival horror title for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC coming from Techland with the latest event kicking off on October 25th, 2022 until November 4th, 2022.
Dying Light 2 — All Hallows’ Eve
Something sinister is brewing. Infected throughout the City have gotten their foul hands on the Treats. Use any trick up your sleeve to fight them back for the new currency. Delve into the horrors of the night for new bounties and try some unpredictable potions at your own risk.
Meet Baka the Unfortunate at the Bazaar, take on co-op-based bounties, fight off Pumpkintiles, pick up Treats and trade them for exclusive items. The spooky nightmares wish to stay, but it will be up to you to cast them out.
And don’t forget to claim the Dying Laugh Bundle on digital stores for a limited free period (November 3-10). Happy haunting!