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Who Wouldn't Want Some New Portal 2 Screens?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of March 2011 - 07:02 PM ]
Am I right or am I right? With April seeming so far off, at least for me, I know I will take every little bit I can get for Portal 2 as it comes out. Even though they don't show all that much for the game that we haven't already been able to extrapolate. I mean this just shows some of the "tests" left for Chell to get through and nothing all that much more. I am digging the shot of Chell running from some kind of bot, doesn't look totally like GLaDOS to me, and the interesting concept of what looks like an underground water cooling system. I've heard that it is a hint at something for a new Half Life, but that is just speculation last I searched. Read More...
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A Couple That Portals Together Stays Together
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of February 2011 - 11:59 PM ]
What better way to celebrate VD* than to have a fun little advertisement for Portal 2? I learned quite a few things from this little clip for Valentine's Day as well. Like that 54% of women are allergic to chocolate, flowers are filled with bees and that four out of five people are crushed to death by giant diamonds every day. That is insane and I never knew. All kidding aside, once again Valve shows their great sense of humor whilst celebrating a holiday that is just another excuse to have a holiday. Read More...
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PS3 Player Can Portal Into PCs For Free
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of January 2011 - 05:46 PM ]
Well here's an interesting little tidbit of news. Any gamer that purchases Portal 2 on the PlayStation 3 will get FREE access to play the game from their Steam client. Think like a digital copy that comes with most BluRay films nowadays. Oh, but wait, there is more. Not only do you get a "free" copy of the game for PC, and technically Mac, but the two systems will be able to communicate with each other to allow for co-op play between the PS3 and PC/Mac. By communicate I am not only talking for play, but you will be able to actually chat with the other player and I'm not talking by screaming really loud. In game chat for those who still didn't get it. Read More...
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We Got To See A Hydra Use A Portal At CES
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of January 2011 - 11:24 PM ]
At last year's CES we were introduced to a product called Sixense. It was a motion controller being made by one of the smaller companies Razor had under its wing. Sixense was a really cool device with A LOT of potential, but nothing seems to have happened over the last year. Well at least nothing all too public. While wandering the booths of CES the AggroGamer team happened upon the new design and updated controller in the wild. Something we almost missed out on as it has been give then new name of Hydra and an extremely different design. Read More...
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Guardians Of Graxia Gets Steamed Up
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 23rd of November 2010 - 11:01 PM ]
Although it launched on Steam last week to a rocky start, Petroglyph games released its latest content filled Map Pack, for the tiny price tag of $12. There has been some great content added and a few items that didn't make it in. So let's take a look at what we should be thankful for in this latest content release for Guardians of Graxia. With Guardians of Graxia's Steam launch, players can pick up the original game along with the expansive map pack for under $12. This includes the %10 Steam discount. Read More...
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Valve Announces DotA 2
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 14th of October 2010 - 06:37 PM ]
Valve announced today that its latest title to be released in 2011 is DotA 2. Players have been waiting a while for this announcement considering Valve went on a Trademark spree and filed for the DotA and Defense of the Ancients name back in August of this year. According to the short and sweet press release: "Coming to the PC&Mac in 2011, DotA 2 promises to take the unique blend of online RTS and RPG action that has made DotA popular with tens of millions of gamers and expand upon it in every way." For those that don't know the name DotA comes from the Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients. Defense of the Ancients at its core is a small tactical, hero based strategy game which completely revamped the Warcraft III game and design by bringing a real RPG aspect to an RTS world. Read More...
Tags: DotA 2, VALVe, Steam, PC,
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Portal 2 Co-Op Trailer Gets Extended
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 10th of September 2010 - 05:33 PM ]
I am sure we have seen the multitude of videos and screen shots of Portal 2 in the last few weeks. Yesterday Valve released the extended trailer for the co-op mode of Portal 2. Something that was shown at PAX Prime this past week at Seattle. It is worth a watch as it showcases that teamwork that is the only way to get pass certain levels. I'm not sure if they will include the high-five feature but it would be funny if you were able to self high-five yourself. My Take: I seriously cannot wait for Portal 2 to come out as I am a huge fan of the first one. Read More...
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Aperture Science Has Ramped Up The Tests
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 4th of July 2010 - 06:17 PM ]
I remember way back when I first cracked open my copy of Portal on my PC. Yes I cracked open a copy of a digital download, because it fits my nostalgia. I remember enjoying each level of the game that lead up to the big showdown with GLaDOS and finding out that the cake was indeed not a lie. I got a piece when I was done and it was delicious and easy to wash down. I also remember how much fun it was that the whole game was kept simple and each level was pretty much a tutorial leading up to the final showdown. If you disagree, then you have not truly played Portal. Read More...
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Valve Announces Portal For Free
by Brian Goodman [ Friday, 14th of May 2010 - 04:40 PM ]
In celebration of the delayed release of Valve's popular digital distribution platform on the Mac, it has been announced that until May 24th you can download the 2007 cult hit Portal for free on either PC or Mac. If you're like me and refused to buy the Orange Box when it came out because it forced you to buy two games you already bought, but STILL love the brilliant blend of flawless mechanics, dark humor, and perfect pacing of Portal, this is great news. If you are one of the three people reading this who haven't played through arguably the best three-plus hours of gaming ever, now you have no excuse. Also posted is this hilarious ad (seen below) to promote the free release. Read More...
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Civilization Gets Steamed Up
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 6th of May 2010 - 05:12 PM ]
Normally I would have some sort of opening line for many of my articles, but today I got nothing. Maybe its because I am really excited about what I am about to report to you, and that will be 2K Games and Valve have announced an agreement to power all PC versions of Sid Meier's Civilization V with many of Steamworks' features and offer a special Digital Deluze Edition via Steam. Those who pre-order the Regular or Deluxe edition will be rewarded with a free map pack when the game is released later. So whats the difference between the Regular Edition and the Deluxe Edition. Read More...
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Brian G Asks: WTF is up with DLC?
by Brian Goodman [ Monday, 26th of April 2010 - 04:20 PM ]
It's an exciting time to be a gamer because there is definitely a lot of pivotal stuff going on in our industry right now. Today I want to go on about a reasonably new development of an old concept. Expansion packs have been around since the mid 90's in the PC world. Back when the PC dinosaurs ruled the video game landscape (and just about any game could be played on any computer without a video card that costs more than a PS3), if there was a successful game, a half a year or so later we would see an expansion pack. People who enjoyed a game could purchase more content for around $20 to $30-ish. Don't quote me on this, but the first expansion in my memory was the level add on pack for Doom II released in 1995 called "Doom II Master Levels. Read More...
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Hands On 'The Passing' Released For L4D2
by Brian Goodman [ Friday, 23rd of April 2010 - 10:44 PM ]
So Valve announced the first DLC package for L4D2 a while ago and it is finally here to bring us more zombie killin' goodness. The "carrot" that they have been enticing us with is a major "change" to the cast of the L4D universe, and true to word there is one less survivor running around taking all the pills and startling the witch. *Note* I will try to keep this write up spoiler free for those of you who have not had a chance to run through it. I fired up Steam where the content is free (560 points if you play on the New Jersey of online gaming XBL) and loaded up the single player campaign mode to blow through as fast as I could. Read More...
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Macs R Dead
by Kevin [ Thursday, 11th of March 2010 - 12:45 PM ]
I think everyone saw this coming at some point. When you have a game series with such wide appeal as the Left 4 Dead series, the need to push it out to other platforms becomes fairly obvious. Though I suspect that at some point we will see this game make its way to handhelds in some form or another, this announcement deals with Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 shuffling its zombie feet to the Mac OSX through the glory of Steam for the Mac. For those who are curious, the L4D Team discuss what exactly this means for you: "Steam on the Mac will behave just like Steam for Windows, but through Steam Play will add cross-platform ownership. That means if you own Left 4 Dead 2 for Windows, then you already own it for the Mac. Read More...
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Wanna Play Steam Games On Mac, There's An App For That
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 8th of March 2010 - 09:20 PM ]
We all knew it was coming. The pictures, the articles, the speculation, it was going to happen, and now it's here. Wanna play Steam games on Mac, there's an App for that. Valve announced Steam for Mac users today and some extremely exciting details for all your reading pleasure. Steam will be cross platform playable, players on both platforms will be able to play together in a shiny happy virtual universe.Games will be scheduled to release at the same time on both platforms. No need to wait for the Mac version a month later, just play it when everyone else gets it. Read More...
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The Cake Is Truly A Lie, But Portal 2 Is Not
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 6th of March 2010 - 11:18 PM ]
It's been a long time coming, but it is finally here. Portal 2 has been announced. Announced via the latest edition of Game Informer as a twelve page article and featured on two different covers for this edition. You can see the images below. Not too bad to look at, but you will have to get the magazine to get more details as of right now. Or you could pop on over to the GameStop site and scope out these details listed under the PC description for the pre-order. A description that states there is going to be a full new cast of characters, a load of new puzzles, much larger puzzles as well, and multiplayer/co-op modes in the game. Read More...
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