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SOMA Has Just Unveiled Its Big Secret Location. Queue The Referencing…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
A New Trailer For SOMA Has Hit The Web And It Shows Off The Location That The Game Is Going To Be Placed In; Underwater. Back when I first heard about SOMA I thought it was a game that was another space themed survival horror title. Well it turns out that now it is an underwater survival horror title from the latest trailer and details explained by Frictional Games' creative director Thomas Grip. Have a look at the trailer and new screen shots and I bring the rest of the details to help understand why. There you have it. Read More...
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There Is A New Trailer For SOMA And I Am Still Lost…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
A new trailer for SOMA, A PS4 and PC horror title, has been released to the public showcasing a few environments and voice work. Quite a while ago I brought you a look at SOMA in the form of a teaser trailer. It was bizarre, beautiful, and showed the sense of fear that Frictional Games has been known to bring all of us gamers in the past. Now we have a new trailer titled Theta from them to hopefully shed a little more light on what SOMA is all about. At least in terms of more than just another horror title coming out for PS4 and PC in 2015. Read More...
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Let's Look At Frictional Games' New Title, SOMA
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of October 2013 - 05:31 PM ]
If you like to hear about titles well in advance then do I have a title for you; SOMA. SOMA is the latest title to be announced from Frictional Games (Amnesia and Penumbra) and is slated for Windows, Mac, Linux, and PS4. It also happens to have a release window of…2015. If I had to throw a month out there I would probably go with October as this is survival horror title, but there is no real foundation in that. It is just me hypothesizing. So what is SOMA? Read More...
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