Thank the gods for the internet as we all may have missed some things in the latest Batman: Arkham Knight trailer from earlier this week. Apparently, I've still yet to see them, there were hidden codes spliced into the trailer that sparked a whole lot on conversation and inevitably some cool answers; we'll talk about those later. These codes, trailer, and new additions to the Batman: Arkham Knight website all cropped up at the same time. The new additions being three locations that required a password to get in. You can check that all out over here at batmanarkhamknight.com.
Here is where things get interesting. Some super Batman level detectives and cryptographers over on Reddit where able to crack the codes as well as see what was being offered up for Batman: Arkham Knight. Before we get into that and spoil the fun for you, here are those codes and where to find them again in the Batman: Arkham Knight — "Gotham Is Mine" trailer from a few days ago.
- 'qeL e2uLEE2 zul2e' at around the 0:07 mark
- 'pPL2a3Mn Ppi3mAMpyL2' at around the 0:25 mark
- 'c Rcn3n3 N2Jn3tjHn2' at around the 1:47 mark
Batman: Arkham Knight — Gotham Is Mine
From this point forward there is a spoiler alert if you want to try and crack the code for the recent Batman: Arkham Knight viral thing. Keep that in mind as the solutions and information to what is going on are just a little ahead.
If you are still with us here then what is going on is each of these ciphers lead to the password required to unlock the character bios related to the cipher for Batman: Arkham Knight. That being the bios for Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Scarecrow. Like I said before it took some crazy, at least to me, leaps of logic to get the correct cipher and crack the codes. Here is how it was described to be done on Reddit.
Worked it out, fun little cipher. Thanks to everyone who picked out the letters for the coded words. The 3 coded sets for anyone wanting to solve on their own ended up being: 'qeL e2uLEE2 zul2e' for Harley 'pPL2a3Mn Ppi3mAMpyL2' for ivy 'c Rcn3n3 N2Jn3tjHn2' for Scarecrow. Decode Method: The key thing to notice was that the ciphers only contained letters used in the names of the characters, which people had already noticed, but more importantly that the numbers only came after letters that occurred MORE THAN ONCE in the name. This doesn't account for the lowercase / uppercase, but after trying a few things I found taking the name in lower then upper and lining it up with the alphabet like so worked nice: jonathancraneJONATHANCRANE ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ From here you then take the cipher text, and pick out the letter below, taking the Nth occurrence if it was followed by a number. For example 'c' -> 'I', 'n3' -> 'L' harleenquinzelHARLEENQUINZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 'qeL e2uLEE2 zul2e' decodes to: HER FIRST LINE pamelalillianisleyPAMELALI ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 'pPL2a3Mn Ppi3mAMpyL2' decodes to: ASYLUM SANCTUARY jonathancraneJONATHANCRANE ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 'c Rcn3n3 N2Jn3tjHn2' decodes to: I WILL UNLEASH Final step spoiler: Each of those decoded bits refer to lines of those characters in Arkham Asylum, so you get: HER FIRST LINE -> Harley's first line in the game: 'yeah right' ASYLUM SANCTUARY -> Ivy's sanctuary: 'botanical gardens' I WILL UNLEASH -> Direct line from Scarecrow, followed by: 'your greatest fears' Enjoy your character bios! |
Like I said it is some crazy convoluted thing we should expect from The Riddler in Batman: Arkham Knight but there you have it. The hidden codes and the solutions so you can check out the character bios on the Arkham Knight website. There isn't much to glean from there but it does make you feel a bit more like Batman if I do say so myself. I just can't believe someone has that much time on their hands to decode all of this. Good on them though.