I've covered quite a bit on Styx: Master Of Shadows over the last few months and it is time to see if the game is worth picking up on your PS4, Xbox One, or PC. That's right. It is time that for me to actually play and review Styx: Master Of Shadows and let you know if it lived up to the hype Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide were hoping to build up for it. Just like I am building up the anticipation for the below video review for Styx: Master Of Shadows.
I could just keep writing here to keep said anticipation going but instead I'll give you the ten minute review of Styx: Master Of Shadows. There were some things I hated, some things that I loved, and the answer to the question of if Styx: Master Of Shadows is worth your time and money to pick up. The game is slated for a specific audience in mind so do keep that in mind when you watch and hear what I have to say. Styx: Master Of Shadows is a stealth game at its core so we'll start you with that.
No more gilding the lily here. Have a good watch of my review for Styx: Master Of Shadows.
Styx: Master Of Shadows — Review
Styx: Master Of Shadows — Launch Trailer
Styx: Master Of Shadows was developed by Cyanide and published by Focus Home Interactive for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Styx: Master Of Shadows released on October 7th, 2014. A copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes. Video recorded by Duke Searles and edited by Julia Schoebel.