In An Underwater City Far Far Away...

So one thing I hate to see in a franchise, be it a Movie, TV, or Video Game one, is when they make such a huge hit with the first one that they turn around and churn out loads of crap to try and make a quick buck while the franchise is still in the height of popularity. I won't disagree that it isn't a bad way to make money. People will shell out for a sequel thinking it will be as good as the first. But generally fans are left face down in the dirt. Generally. There are some that make it through though, Final Fantasy, God of War, Halo, and the Guitar Hero franchises to name a few.

Well it would seem that Christoph Hartmann, Global President of 2K Games, wants to do this with the Bioshock franchise. To the point of something like the Star Wars franchise. His words not mine. But the interesting thing is that he makes no mention of it being for money at all. But that he wants to keep the story rolling and keeping the players coming back due to how awesome the Bioshock story is, or will be. Which, as long as the keep to it, could go for what they hope is a 6 game franchise. At least that is the plan. I do like to see that Mr. Hartmann does allude to stopping the franchise if it does start to go the way of the Matrix films. No point in sullying the good name of Bioshock with half assed story. So hopefully we will see some great stuff after Bioshock 2 comes out this year.

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