Dare Devils Are Out For Some Destruction In Just Cause 4

Just Cause

The next DLC for Just Cause 4 is coming and next week players will get a few different ways to interact with Just Cause 4 if they so choose

If you have not had enough Just Cause 4 as of yet and were jonesin' for more, then look out as the Dare Devils of Destruction DLC is just around the corner. In fact, if you picked up the gold edition of the game then you will be enjoying the next installment from Avalanche Studios on April 23rd. If you did not, then you will have to wait until April 30th to get the new extras for Just Cause 4. I mean, outside of buying it and all that jazz as it does not look to be on the free side of things. We are just here to let you know when you can play it all mainly.

This new DLC for Just Cause 4 looks to add in three more challenges to the game over multiple new missions. All with the vehicles of the game where you will need to navigate deadly obstacle courses, outrun some crazy weather, or go into a full-on rampage of destruction in the world. All the basics you would assume to come with a vehicle style DLC for this game. As if you have not already been doing all of that in Just Cause 4 to date. Now you just get some better outlets that have been designed just for you. Well, more designed for us all and not just one person specifically. You know what I meant…

Just Cause 4 — Dare Devils Of Destruction

Gear up for an adrenaline-fuelled adventure in the all-new Dare Devils of Destruction DLC for Just Cause 4, releasing April 30th, 2019, on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC.

Complete new missions to unlock over 16 all-new weaponized vehicles that you can drop in at a moment’s notice. Experience new levels of destruction, attack missions in never before seen ways, employ new tactics against the forces of the Black Hand and cause pure mayhem in the world of Solis.

Put the pedal to the metal, earn the respect of rival gangs and take on three deadly challenge modes across 15 explosive new missions.

Survival: Speed through a gauntlet of landmines, wrecking balls and rings of fire in this ultimate drive for survival. Destroy obstacles along the way and race towards the checkpoints to secure victory.

Run: Drive through extreme weather and master high-speed stunts in Run. Obliterate your rivals with a variety of weapons as you try to cross the finish line!

Rampage: Master the art of destruction and create carnage within this explosive arena. Reduce targets and rival drivers to scrap metal to achieve the high score!

Are you ready for some new DLC in Just Cause 4 or have you made up enough of your own fun so far? Have you not been playing these modes already or will this add a new twist to it all to add even more to the game? What else are you looking to come to the game or will it be more of this down the road? Let us and the world out there know what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss. For more on Just Cause 4 and the franchise in general, be sure to keep checking back in here. We will keep all of the news and information coming at you as best we can.