More gameplay for Vane was shown off at this year's PSX and it gives us yet another look at just what Vane may have in store for us
We finally have some new gameplay for Vane out of the most recent PSX that has already past us all by. Not only some new gameplay, but it also looks like Friend And Foe were on site to give us all a bit of the information we have all been looking for since the first gameplay trailer for the game dropped on us. Vane looked a bit like Journey or Limbo to me and that was kind of the point it seems as the team is small and doing what they can to give us a whole wide world to move and play in. Hopefully with a bit more to understand for it all when it does finally hit the PS4 next year, hopefully.
The following video is a nice long demo of Vane that shows off how we will be transforming the world but also the character we are in control of. By default, we are a crow or a raven in this world and we can soar all around. We need to find specific triggers in the world for some reason and we can trigger them by helping out other blackbirds that are stuck in the world. All so we can break out some more "gold" and be able to transform into the child version of the character. This is done by diving into the "powder" and getting coated in it. The coating will eventually wear off through various means, so it does not seem like something we can choose to do all the time.
Have a look at the nice long demo of Vane that we have and then get ready to wait for more of it in the near future. Friend And Foe have not mentioned a timeline for release but have stated it will come when they think they have the best version of the game as possible. Most likely next year, but that could be anyone's guess as they have made it clear they are a very small team.
Vane — Gameplay Demo
Watch a brand new gameplay demo for Vane, coming to PS4 in 2018.
I do have to say it is a bit concerning that as far as details for Vane go, the developer here did not seem to have any solid answers to give. Even for the core mechanics and layouts of the world. I could get it if they were items that some PR rep was waving them off from answering, but it was some of the most basic things that could be seen on the screen that could not be answered. It almost felt like they had no idea what kind of game they were making here and still making it up "on the fly." That could be the case, but that would not sit well with me seeing as we have had a year go by since we last saw anything and there are still so many questions to be had.
How are you feeling about Vane as it stands here? Do you get what the team is trying to go for here or are there still so many questions that need answering for you to get "on board?" Could there be this much secrecy to the game that they couldn't answer questions as it was not the right time to let the cat out of the bag? Let us have your thoughts on this and then discuss down in the comments. If we learn more about Vane, we will update you on the site here. Keep checking back in to make sure you get to see it all before it launches.