God Of War
New combat for God Of War is here from Paris Game Week and it also brings with it another creature we will need to fight in God Of War at some point
A new enemy for God Of War has just been shown off during the Paris Games Week event that PlayStation held for all of the upcoming games and DLC still to come. Not only a new enemy of sorts, but it looks like Santa Monica Studio also opted to give us another huge look at the new combat we can see and expect in the game. The Blades of Chaos are out and a new ax is in for God Of War so that will make things flow a bit differently and here is yet another taste. Given that the release window of Early 2018 is now attached to the game, it is also most likely safe to assume that we will be seeing a whole lot more for it soon and before it finally comes home to the PS4.
Whereas the early combat we have seen for God Of War has focused on closer and quicker attacks, this new gameplay looks to go towards the heavier and two-handed attacks. Not too strange for the franchise as it has always been a quick change up between light and heavy, but now we get to see it in action. Not only that, but it also looks like there happens to be a change to the QTE portion of the combat here given that we see what looks to be something similar but no on-screen prompts. This could just be how the footage was edited, but it does look like it could flow a little more organic in the fights base on what we have here.
Also, coming back around, we have a look at another enemy in God Of War in terms of a Soul Eater. As you can hear in the following video, it eats the souls of those it comes across and keeps them from heading off into whatever afterlife may be waiting. We do not get to see any actual combat or fight with said creature, but as it makes a pretty big showing here it could be safe to assume that we will square off with one or groups of them at some point. Most likely as mini-bosses in God Of War or just one big set-piece to tantalize and entertain. We will know for certain soon it seems, but for now just enjoy the latest video and then get ready to wait a bit more.
God Of War — Combat Trailer
Witness a smidgeon, a sliver, of the unflinching, intense, brutal, and often empowering new combat in God Of War. The impact of every attack you connect feels like it has a titanic ton of energized force behind it, and the strategic decisions you’ll be forced to make mid-combat are your keys to survival.
Did you enjoy the new combat look we had here for God Of War or were you hoping for a bit more than seeing heavy attacks and thrown weapons being shown off? Do you agree that it looks like the QTE parts of combat have shifted or was it just how this video was edited? Do you think that we will fight Soul Eaters in the full game or will they just be the creatures we are told not to worry about here and serve a different purpose? Let us know everything you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. For more on God Of War, you know what to do. Stick right here as we will keep all of this fun flowing out as fast as we can get it.