Omen Of Sorrow
A lot of new looks for Omen Of Sorrow have come out of EVO this year as well as gamers having access to play Omen Of Sorrow during the event
New gameplay for the fighting game Omen Of Sorrow has been shown off out at EVO this year as well as the ability to play it if you happen to be on the show floor during the event. Most likely if you are reading this then that means you are not on the floor watching all of the fighting games playing out nor are you enjoying the new title that AOne Games is putting together. That's okay though as we have footage of Omen Of Sorrow in action here to keep you in the loop as well as a look at some of the super moves that a few of the twelve characters will be able to drop in the game when all is said and done. Not to mention a good look at a few of those characters outside of combat. At least a little bit.
If you've been out of the loop on Omen Of Sorrow since it was shown off last year, this is a new fighting game where we will take on the role of monsters, creatures, and beings from myth and lore who have been given a bit of a twist as they head off into a massive 2D style combat to see who will win it all. We have werewolves, vampires, and what looks like angels here so it looks like a lot of the true classics will be here. It also looks like there will be a bit of a story mode in Omen Of Sorrow so it won't just be straight fighting all the time and it will have a bit more substance than just a button masher. At least as it looks here.
Omen Of Sorrow — Zafkiel Vs Gabriel — EVO 2017 Build
From the AOne Games team comes this fantasy fighting game, featuring the monsters of classic horror and giving them a new twist. Delve into its rich mythology, and discover its fast paced combat in classic 2-D style--as you fight for your life against werewolves, vampires and other creatures of lore.
Omen Of Sorrow — Gabriel, Zafkiel, Caleb | Super Moves
More or less, Omen Of Sorrow looks like Darkstalkers and Street Fighter with a heavy theme of the monsters and myths that were mentioned before. Down to even the art style it looks a lot like those titles and also looks to play a bit like them. Not a knock at AOne Games at all, but that would be my first impressions of Omen Of Sorrow without actually going full hands on just yet. There could be a lot more or it could just be using a winning design structure. Either way, I am digging the concept of it all and am interested to see more of what is to come. Hopefully at the next big gaming convention coming up soon.
Do you agree that Omen Of Sorrow looks a lot like the other games that I mentioned so far or is that an outsider's view I have as of now? Do you think the premise will work very well with what we have so far or will it take more to get you to fully "sign on" for the game? Will you be able to give this new build a try out at EVO or is this as close to it all that you are going to get for now? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss as you wish. For more on Omen Of Sorrow as it comes, be sure to stick around here as we will have it all for you. Don't miss out on a thing.