Splatoon 2
The first fifteen minutes of Splatoon 2's gameplay is here to view as we head toward Splatoon 2's official release date
In just over a week Splatoon 2 will be launching on the Nintendo Switch. July 21st to be completely exact and there hasn't been a whole lot of gameplay to have been enjoyed or really solid views that we've been able to capture. That is of course until now as we have the first fifteen minutes of the game to look at as Nintendo gears up for the big release of Splatoon 2. That and we all get ready to add another paint blasting title to the Switch to keep us all entertained in the in-between times of the other famed franchises out there. Not that I think this will be a bad title, but the fandom for other IPs is much greater and this will take a back seat.
Of course, if you don't want the tutorial modes of Splatoon 2 spoiled for you, then you might want to move right along from here. It is the first fifteen minutes of the game as it has been stated a few times already. It doesn't look like anything is too spoiler filled is in there, but I know some of you gamers out there like to try and go in as fresh as possible. Especially since our minds are made up for a game in the first ten to fifteen minutes and if you are "replaying" a portion of Splatoon 2 for that long then it may burn you on. Either way, you've been warned and can move right along as an adult or mature human as needed.
Splatoon 2 — First 15 Minutes
Two years have passed since the original Splatoon game was released, and two years have also passed in Inkopolis! So expect a fresh wave of fashion, not to mention new weapons and gear. Dual wield the new Splat Dualies or stick to mainstays like chargers and rollers, which have been remixed with new strategic possibilities. As always, Turf War is the favored sport among Inklings, but they also dig ranked battles, taking down Octarians in a robust single-player campaign, and battling enemy Salmonids in one dangerous part-time job! No matter which way you play, splat at home or on-the-go with Nintendo Switch. Staying fresh never felt so good.
Splatoon 2 — The World Is Your Playground!
Are you excited and prepped for Splatoon 2 or are you still waiting for the hype to build? Did you spoil the first fifteen or will you be going in completely fresh? Is there really a worry of spoiling any of the fun gameplay that we have for the game at all? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Splatoon 2, be sure to stick around here. We'll try to have more as time goes on and you won't want to miss on a single thing.