Conan Exiles
A new developer diary for Conan Exiles has been released to tease the upcoming Conan Exiles beta as well as how to build your cities
We are quickly approaching that magical date when Conan Exiles will be opening up the beta for gamers to give its current state a solid play and server test. It's not been a huge secret that Funcom was aiming to give everyone a play on January 31st here; well at least everyone planning on playing with the Xbox One and PC as the PS4 still doesn't have a great solution for outside betas. But that is not why we are fully here for Conan Exiles again though. Yes it is nice to have the reminder but we are now here to have a look at what you can build in the game and just how that is accomplished. We will be needing strongholds if we plan on surviving in the harsh word of Conan after all.
As it looks here, we are getting a pretty decent world building tool to use in Conan Exiles to build and expand our own little plots of the game's world. I'm still not sure if you have to make any real claim to the areas before you can start building, but it sounds like we will be able to build up almost anywhere in the world. I'm going to guess that there are some very specific locations and terrains that the developers don't want us on or think it wouldn't make sense which is why we have "almost anywhere" instead of everywhere. None the less, it looks like an advanced version of many other systems like it out there. The developers could be making it look easy to use here but I do have to say it looks very streamlined and easy to place items all over.
It is interesting to see that we can also set up games and entertainments in Conan Exiles' world so we can play games in our game here. I'm not sure how well that will blend in when it comes to the long game as we will need to fend off from outside forces constantly and need to hunt down resources to keep things flowing. Maybe there will be slaves and thralls to do the menial stuff for us in Conan Exiles once we hit a certain place in the game. That or maybe being able to build our strongholds into the sides of mountains will give us that extra level of defense so we can take in some leisure in our homes. We will need time to decorate it all with our kills so I guess that makes a bit of sense.
Conan Exiles — Build In The World Of Conan
This month, award-winning development studio Funcom will open the floodgates to an entirely new virtual Conan world. On January 31st, 2017, the open-world survival game ‘Conan Exiles’ will be entering Early Access on the PC, with Xbox One Game Preview to follow later this spring. Here players will have to survive, build, and dominate alone or in multiplayer on public and private servers. In a brand new video released today, developers give a unique glimpse into the building, the crafting, and the many different ways players can destroy their enemies’ settlements in ‘Conan Exiles’.
In the new video released today, Joel Bylos and Lead Designer Oscar Lopez Lacalle talk about how players can build on mountainsides using a very flexible building system, and how you and your enemies will be able to summon giant avatars of the gods that can wreak havoc and destruction on anything made by players. They highlight the fact that ‘Conan Exiles’ is anything but an empty sandbox: here players will discover remnants of ancient civilizations, and they must build on top of and in between the dilapidated ruins of vast, forgotten cities.
While it does look like it is a fully functional development tool being placed in the hands of the players, I think the real selling point will be hunting down all of the thralls and forcing them to your will in Conan Exiles. Anyone can build a magnificent place but getting the right people to run it and make it prosper is a whole different ball of wax. So far it looks like the only way this happens in Conan Exiles is if we do it ourselves which is the interesting part to me. Like, do we know who we are going after when out in the world or is it all the luck of the draw? At least when not heading into a land that is filled with specific thralls to capture and force to work for us. It would be odd to head into Stygian lands and not comeback with one who can work the forge as described in the video.
What say you on all of this for Conan Exiles though? Are you amped up for the beta to come or will you be missing out on it due to time or platform selection? Do you think that all Thralls in the game will be "equal" or could we run into the randomness that the real world could off here? Let us know what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss down in the comments. For more on Conan Exiles, be sure to keep locked into the site here as we will be bringing you more on the game and hopefully a view of the upcoming beta. At least for those missing out.