New screenshots for Styx: Shards Of Darkness have been released and it looks like Styx is going to be traversing some very large areas in his next major title
If you thought that Styx had a large world to explore in the first game then it should be no surprise that Styx: Shards Of Darkness will be just as big; if not bigger. It would be a step in the wrong direction for Cyanide Studios to not up their game with bigger and more detailed environments to sneak through and murder those pesky humans and elves. Those jerks. Thankfully we get a good look at just where Styx: Shards Of Darkness has gone in terms of size and "openness" for the upcoming title.
Exact dimensions to do a comparison with the previous title haven't been stated but the below screenshots for Styx: Shards Of Darkness that Focus Home Interactive has given us do show that there are some huge areas. I think the better "tell" here is that Styx will be mixing in some new traversal moves to help get around like rope-swinging and zip-lining. That does indicate that there is a lot of extra room to move and that we will have some solid way to do just that here. Zip-lines do indicate that a bit more than not.
Styx: Shards Of Darkness is still in development by Cyanide Studios for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One using the Unreal 4 engine. Last we heard they are looking for a Fall of 2016 release window but as of right now it is still just defined as 2016. The first game was one of my favorite sleeper hits and I am currently looking to Styx: Shards Of Darkness to further not only the lore but the style of gameplay that was set up before. Here's hoping for that all to happen yet again.
How is Styx: Shards Of Darkness shaping up in terms of looks to you? Do you think that the inclusion of those traversal methods mean that we are looking at a lot more space to move round? How do you think we will use all of this to our advantage to murder all of the humans/elves? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As Focus Home Interactive gives out more details and footage on Styx: Shards Of Darkness we will have it here on the site for you. Be sure to stick around and lookout for more on it and all videos games.