Mutants In Manhattan
Some possible new art for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan has shown up and if true it points in the direction that Mutants In Manhattan could go if it is indeed a game being made
If you remember earlier in the month we heard about a possible TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan video game in the works. Speculation started to rise when the name was registered by Activision and said registration listed Platinum Games as the developer. Since then neither group has been forthcoming with any information as to what Mutants In Manhattan could be or if it is indeed another title in the works and the governments that enforce said registrations of IPs let the cat out of the bag a little early. Thankfully, if it is to be believed, it looks like we may have more on Mutants In Manhattan from a supposed leak of artwork over on the XBLA.
Do take a bit more salt when you see the following art for Mutants In Manhattan as it is still yet to be confirmed and the source provided nothing more than the following images via Twitter. Of course you can have a look and be the judge for yourself. It has been pointed out that if these are indeed real leaked images then Platinum Games could be taking Mutants In Manhattan down the same path of the current IDW comics based on the art style alone. Who know but the powers that be though? As I said, this has yet to be confirmed by any of the parties claimed to be involved.
Mutants in Manhattan pic.twitter.com/HrbQqsPQAq
— lifelower (@lifelower) December 30, 2015
Do you think that this is some real art for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan? Could this just be some elaborate hoax that crazed fans are pulling in the wake of the registration on some video games ratings board? If true, do you think that Platinum Games will use the source material from IDW for Mutants In Manhattan? Let us know in the comments and let the discussion fly. If there is any confirmation or updates on Mutants In Manhattan from Activision we will have them here on the site. Be sure to keep on the lookout for all of those as they come.