More gameplay for Battleborn has been placed online, with commentary, that show off two more heroes for Battleborn in the way of Ghalt and Deande
As if we didn't already have too many options in Battleborn when it comes to heroes it looks like we have two more to look at in the mix. I think Gearbox is going to just flood us with options that many of us will not know what to do with when Battleborn finally launches. I guess this could be good for anyone looking for a "hero shooter" on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC but none the less we have two more to look at here. Then at least one more as we head into the open beta phase for Battleborn. Yowzah!
First up on the plate is Ghalt. He is somewhat of the badass "police" in the universe of Battleborn and dual wields a shotgun revolver. Of course he only does this when he uses his uber-special power but one of them is his main weapon in Battleborn. He also has stun traps and a chain hook that works a lot like a certain Mortal Kombat alums does. In the following video you can see how potent of a combination all of this can be and how fast a decent player of Battleborn can use everything to their advantage.
Battleborn — Ghalt
Next we have a nice look at Deande in Battleborn. Unlike the tank style of character from above, she is more of the assassin kind of character. She uses war fans as her primary weapon and has all of the usual assassin style moves. The best kicker here is that here "clone" ability that is used to force the enemies to move their fire isn't the basic version we see in many other titles like Battleborn. This one has some solid AI built in to make it look like the player and not some distraction. How far it will go is not fully scene here but I like the fact that Gearbox is thinking outside the box to make this a better option for players.
Just as above you can see Deande in action in Battleborn with the same kind of commentary as before.
Battleborn — Deande
Now that you've seen both of these Battleborn characters in action, how do you feel about them? Can you see how certain combinations can lead to a very O.P. experience for gamers? Do you think that Gearbox has crafted Battleborn in such a way that it will truly be balanced? Let us know what you think down in the comments. As we get more on Battleborn out of 2K Games we will have it up on the site for your ingestion. Keep a solid eye on the site to see all of that and more as we press on into the next year.