Friday The 13th
A new video for Friday The 13th: The Game shows off the game's stamina and noise mechanics and Friday The 13th fans will see a lot of similarities between the films and game here
It should really come as no surprise that Friday The 13th: The Game will have a stamina and noise mechanic built into the game to give players that authentic experience. Running out of stamina and making too much noise is always a drawback when facing off against Jason and Gun Media is making sure we have that in the game. It really wouldn't be Friday The 13th if it wasn't in there and stamina/noise was treated like points on Whose Line Is It Anyway? right? Well we don't have to fear at all now.
As can be surmised so far for Friday The 13th: The Game each player will have a stamina bar that drains as they perform activities but mostly by running for their life. Obviously this causes more noise for Jason to track you down with. In addition to all of this though it looks like, just as in the Friday The 13th films, if you have exhausted all of your stamina and try to run again you will stumble and possibly fall. Pretty much allowing Jason to go in for the kill as you have committed the fatal fault in Friday The 13th: The Game. Not too shocking at all.
Here's a nice, short bit for Friday The 13th: The Game's stamina/noise mechanic as narrated by Adam Sessler. Again there's no new gameplay for Friday The 13th but enough to give us all the point that Gun Media is going for in the final game.
Friday The 13th: The Game — Stamina And Noise
If that wasn't enough to sate your want for more on Friday The 13th: The Game (let's face it as it is not as I had more words written than used in the video) then we have another little bit coming to the game. Originally this was set up as a stretch goal on the Friday The 13th Kickstarter campaign but has now been moved into production for all. What we have here is an in-game museum of sorts that showcases all of the character models, weapons, locations, and other fun facts from Friday The 13th: The Game and film.
Players will be able to run through this extra cabin in Friday The 13th and have a look at everything in first person mode. Here are a few more bits of concept on how this will be employed and how the player can expect to move through the cabin when the game launches next year. Who knows what other wonders that Gun Media will place in there over the development cycle? Just know we will get to experience this above and beyond the base game too now.
Are you at all surprised on how Friday The 13th: The Game will be using stamina and noise during matches? Are you just ready for some real gameplay already and are tired of the teases? What other bits and baubles do you think the Friday The 13th cabin will hold from the game and films? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As we get more updates out of Gun Media we will have them here on the site for you. So pluck out one of your eyes and glue it to the site so you don't miss out on a thing for Friday The 13th: The Game.