A new game called Bound has been teased and now is officially announced even though there is little to go on for Bound at this time
Bound has been given an expanded announcement over on the PS Blog now. It looks like Bound is a 3D platforming game with a Mature Story. It will have a very Modern Art feel in terms of artistic style from the Suprematism, Concretism, and/or Neoplasticism movements.
Sadly Bound will not be a VR dancing sim that only the weird of us were hoping for.
The minds over at Santa Monica Studios had everyone in a tizzy over the last day or so as they teased a new game Bound. Before now all we saw were a few short video clips with no point of reference as to what was going on which led to some wild speculation. We can all chill now as Bound has been announced for the PS4 and it is a game being developed by developers Plastic. Kind of an odd name to write in there but that is the short and sweet of Bound up too now.
What we do have is a nice new little trailer and description for Bound that you can see just a bit lower on the page here. From the looks of things it may be another artist style game like Journey only with some kind of dancing mixed in. Dancing in terms for the game character shown for Bound and not a get-off-your-ass-and-move style game. Although we can't fully rule that out yet as all details for Bound are still behind a curtain. Maybe we'll see more out of PSX and/or The Game Awards show.
Bound — Teaser Announce Trailer
Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to take a step back. Introducing, Bound, from developer Plastic, creators of Datura and Linger in the Shadows, in collaboration with Santa Monica Studio.
I am not too sure on what they are going with when they say "Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to take a step back" here for Bound. Could this be some form of time travel or maybe, just maybe, a video game that plays out like Momento in a way? Wouldn't that be a fun an innovative push forward for the industry? We won't know for now as all we have is what you saw and read above. Please let it be some great innovation or a dancing VR sim. Bound would really screw with a few more people if that was the case.
Enough from me, what do you think about Bound and its announcement? What do you think that Plastic has set up for us in this game? Did you expect to see another God Of War game instead of Bound here? Are you as hopeful for a VR style game as mentioned? Let us know in the comments and discuss away. Now that Bound has been announced and piqued interest we will have more for you here as it is released by Santa Monica Studio. Keep your eyes glued here for more on Bound as it comes…most likely out of PSX.