New details for Vampyr as well as a few bits of concept art have been released to let us all know what we need to about Vampyr for now
If you missed the call that a game called Vampyr is being made don't feel left out as it was one of those softer announcements than most gamers are used to nowadays. This would be a new action RPG that Dontnod is working on for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC slated to be published by Focus Home Interactive. Little to nothing has been stated about Vampyr in the mainstream media up to now but that means that now we have a nice cavalcade of information marching upon us. Let's take in everything we need to know about Vampyr as we wait for some official gameplay.
Deep detail is given over on the EU PS Blog for Vampyr but the short and curlies of it is that we will take on the role of Jonathan Reid. Reid was a doctor during World War I in London and continued his Hematology work into the times where the Spanish Flu was also making its way through the streets of London. Reid also happens to have been turning into a vampire in Vampyr and is looking to figure out how to handle is new "condition." This looks to include the choice on killing innocent people to prolong the immortality coursing through his veins in Vampyr. Pretty basic, classic vampire stuff.
From the sounds of it killing or harming anyone in Vampyr could have major to minor impact on the overall story and game. Almost like the Butterfly Effect is being thought out a bit here by Dontnod but not much more has been explained on that front. Either way it looks like we will have to choose wisely and hopefully have the option to only hunt the vile humans that were around in 1918 London. I'm pretty sure there were and if their dedication to making Vampyr have a true to life version of London it has to be more than happy kids and innocent people walking the streets.
Speaking of, it does sound like Dontnod is going to try and recreate the real world here in Vampyr as they have been studying the historical documents of the times as well as the real science that Reid would have had knowledge to. So unlike The Order the world of Vampyr will be more grounded in realism just with the supernatural and folklore being shown in the forefront and not hidden in the shadows. Sounds very World Of Darkness-like to me but that is for another developer to finally bring into fruition. Not here in Vampyr and I think I am okay with that.
So what are your thoughts on Vampyr now that you've seen and read a bit more on it? Does it look like it will be a great follow up for Dontnod from all of their other well received titles? Do you think Vampyr will be the true vampire kind of game a lot of people have been hoping for over the years? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As Focus Home Interactive releases more information on Vampyr we will have it here for you so be sure to keep locked in here for all of the updates. Especially if Vampyr hits as home to me as I think it will.