At the sixth Paris Games Week PlayStation is having their first media briefing ever at the show to show off what we couldn't wait until the PlayStation Experience to see
By the time you are reading this the first ever PlayStation media briefing at the Paris Games Week will be underway and all of the new games and hardware that Sony wants to show off for PlayStation will be starting to make their way out there. Don't fret though as it all started today (10/27) at 10 am PST so if you are closer to that time then you most likely haven't missed all too much on what has been shown off for PlayStation. Good for you and enjoy watching the press conference below. I won't hold you back from all of that so go and watch.
For your viewing options we have two nice options based on your personal preference to watch the PlayStation media briefing. We have the PlayStation Twitch channel all loaded up and playing for you. If that is not your jam then you can use the PlayStation YouTube livestream to see all of the same stuff so you don't have to live in delays…
PlayStation — Paris Games Week Media Briefing
PlayStation — Paris Games Week Media Briefing
As we can't see into the future over here on what will be shown off for PlayStation a few predictions and thoughts need to be made here. I see Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain getting their PS4 announcement during the PlayStation media briefing for sure. If they will be released outside of Europe will be the big kicker. I see more on Street Fighter V and possibly a new character as that has been how they have rolled at all conventions where a briefing was involved. Most likely more on Uncharted 4 and definitely more on PlayStation VR. The rest will most likely be up in the air.
Now we wait and see how all those panned out. Maybe PlayStation will have some even greater surprises that no one could have thought.
What are your thoughts on what will be show for PlayStation at the Paris Games Week? If you are here after the media briefing is over, what are your thoughts on what was shown during the briefing? Did you get to see all of the titles you wanted to or were you hoping for more? Go ahead and discuss in the comments and let the world know. We'll have more on everything show for PlayStation here in the near future so be sure to keep checking back in for more as time flows on.