Far Cry Primal
In the wake of 'leaks' it looks like Far Cry Primal has been announced officially and we have the first trailer and details for Far Cry Primal
It's funny to think that at the beginning of the year there was a rumor that Far Cry Primal could be a real thing based on a survey that Ubisoft placed out there for fans. Flash forward nine months and now we have Far Cry Primal which is what I would be calling the Far Cry 5: Jurassic that was spoken of before. The big difference here is that Far Cry Primal only takes place at about 10,000 BC well after the dinosaurs were gone and millions of years after said era. Thankfully we won't have to wait for that gap too as Far Cry Primal is announced and coming to the PS4 and Xbox One on February 23rd 2016 with a PC release the in March of 2016.
Far Cry Primal is of course what Ubisoft was teasing all day yesterday with the "cryptic cave paintings" on their livestream. As I said though, we now have reveal trailer for Far Cry Primal and a few more details. In the interest of getting you interested more in the game, here is said trailer to show you all of the cool stuff we may get to do in Far Cry Primal early next year.
Far Cry Primal — Official Reveal
Cool stuff indeed here.
So besides the setting of Far Cry Primal it looks like some of the gameplay mechanics have been detailed as well. For instance, unlike in past Far Cry titles, we will have to craft all of our own weapons based on the 150 or so different documented uses of stone weapons that Ubisoft has researched for early man. We will be guiding the first humans in survival with this as well. Survival from Mammoths, Saber-Toothed cats, and rival hunters/gatherers that will be prowling the world of Far Cry Primal. I am sure you saw some of that in the above trailer so you can rest assured that they will be core antagonists and things to worry about. Again it looks like the wildlife will be the plague of us all in a Far Cry game. Just more so here.
It also looks like Ubisoft has gone further to perfect the day/night cycle mechanics here for Far Cry Primal as animals, predators, and rival hunters will use them to their advantage as research has shown or how enemy NPC AI usual do. Of course the only mention of this here in Far Cry Primal would be the large prowling cats, mammoths, and hunters but I have a feeling that all of the other larger animals out there will be mixed into the cycle here. I just hope we get to see some of those truly gigantic animals we all love to gawk at in the prehistoric museums that we go to. At least we know mammoths and tigers here for Far Cry Primal.
If you would also like to see a bit more on the gameplay side for Far Cry Primal you can spy a few small clips not in the above trailer down in the below one. Not only that but also all the commentary that Ubisoft has for Far Cry Primal and what they have placed into the game for us all to have fun with. It is kind of the new trend here in games with the prehistoric eras so they do have quite a bit to prove to stay out in the running as the franchise has become here in the recent years.
Far Cry Primal — Behind The Scenes
Are you excited to see Far Cry Primal becoming a thing or were you hoping for something else? Do you think the removal of firearms in a Far Cry game will hurt it or help it? Do you think that Ubisoft has done enough "real" research into the era to make Far Cry Primal as true to life as we can know? Do you think Ubisoft should have gone further into the future instead of the past here? Let us know in the comments and let the discussion fly. As new updates, videos, and images for Far Cry Primal come out we will have them all here for you so be sure to keep checking back in to not miss a thing.