Well the day has finally come and we now have our look at the Overwatch character I've been most interested in. That would be Reaper here. Not only do we have a look at that character but we also have Torbjörn as well from Overwatch. Blizzard is hooking us up this week. I'm guessing to make sure that as many characters are shown off before E3 as hopefully they will be part of the larger PC part of the expo this year. It would make sense to double dip for Overwatch as this is their next big NEW IP in so many years. I, and I am sure them, want to see this become the next big title.
So first up we have Overwatch's Reaper. This would be the dual pistol carrying Grim Reaper looking character that stole the show for me when Overwatch was first shown to the world. Just as the death he brings he is a mostly silent character here which I like. I am also digging the fact that instead of reloading it looks like he is just dropping the guns he has and grabbing two more form somewhere. Almost like he just doesn't care. Although I am not seeing a whole but of dropped weapons all over the world of Overwatch so I am guessing they have some means of coming back after reloading.
As I was hoping Reaper looks just as deadly in gameplay as he does in trailers. You can see him in full action in yet another Overwatch just below. Watch and enjoy.
Overwatch — Reaper Gameplay
Next up we have that dwarf, Torbjörn, for Overwatch. He may be small in stature but damn does he pack a punch here. Well at least in the gameplay video here he looks to be damned near unbeatable as long as he can get his turret up and running. Out of all of the Overwatch footage thus far I don't think I've seen a character rack up a kill streak as Torbjörn does here. I blame it most on the turret and its amazing stopping power but it also makes sure that Torbjörn never dropped during the whole match. Yes it could be the player being that good at Overwatch here but just by watching Torbjörn in action he looks a bit overpowered for the small guy.
Have a look and see if you agree with me on Torbjörn in Overwatch here. 20 player kills and not one death. Something seems off as this is the first time I've seen it like this in the gameplay thus far.
Overwatch — Torbjörn Gameplay
So what do you think about Torbjörn and Reaper for Overwatch here? Does Torbjörn look over powered? Does Reaper look as amazing as I think he does here? Let's discuss and hear all of those thoughts down in the comments here. We all really want to know. As with every other video game out there keep checking in here as we will be bringing you more and more for Overwatch every time Blizzard gives us more to look at and enjoy.