The rumor of a Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition coming to the Xbox One anytime soon may have just received a huge update and confirmation. If things are to be believed it looks like a new bit of gameplay has found its way onto an Xbox video recording service that points to the remastered version of the franchise. Of course the original footage has been removed from the site but the internet is a wonderful thing and nothing stays hidden for long. That being said, we have that lost Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition footage just a bit lower down just for you.
I'm sure you have already jumped down to watch what could be a confirmation of the Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition so I'll continue the conversation and thoughts just after that.
Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition — Clip 1
Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition — Clip 2
Maybe it is just me but I think this isn't footage for Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition and more or less another fan build of sorts. The only reason I say this is that it looks like the same alley with NPCs just standing around waiting to be shot. Gears Of War was built on the Unreal Engine and fans trying to rebuild levels in the now free Unreal 4 engine have been all the rage so it wouldn't surprise me if this is just that. The Gears Of War assets have been recreated in the past and a barely savvy designer could reproduce what we just saw above. At least it would explain the same scene with different characters and non-active NPCs.
Of course since I am doubting it that means this is most likely real footage for Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition. So we can most likely expect there to be an announcement at E3 from Microsoft in short time as well as the game bundle hitting the Xbox One, and hopefully PC, sometime before the new Gears Of War in the works from Black Tusk Studios lands. It would also make sense and what all of the fans of the franchise would want I guess. Only time will tell for sure here.
What do you think though? Is this truly "leaked" footage of Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition or do you think it is a fan build to spark something online? Would you pay a pretty penny to be able to play the whole Gears Of War franchise again on your Xbox One and/or PC? Give us all those thoughts in comment form down below and we'll update as things progress for a possible Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition right here.