It's been over a year since we had Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X2's HD remaster released on the PS3. Now we are about two months out from having the Dress Sphere gracing the PS4 with the HD remasters coming out this May. Square Enix sure knows how to keep a franchise rolling when it wasn't even supposed to exist well after the first title. I know I am glad for it but I wish it was an HD remaster of Final Fantasy VI instead but that is still a pipe dream for now…
Anyways, we have a new look at the HD remasters for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X2 for the PS4. Well at least how the games cut scenes will mostly look as the footage here doesn't look all too new and updated from the past. It was a great title in the first place so at least it still has that bonus for a new fan base even if the visuals still look as they did from so many years ago. Either way we are getting the Dress Sphere for another go here on May 12th.
Have a look at what there is for Final Fantasy X an Final Fantasy X2's HD remaster for the PS4 that will cross save to the PS3 and Vita as well.
Final Fantasy X/X2 — Return To Spira
What do you think of what you just saw for Final Fantasy X/X2 here for the PS4? Did you miss out on the games during their first run and excited to give it a go? Do you have 200+ hours to sink? What about the Dress Sphere? All jokes aside I am one of the few out there who enjoyed the Dress Sphere. Go ahead and jeer me in the comments below.