The Brutality finisher for Mortal Kombat X has been teased and now we have full confirmation that they will be making a return. This all comes from the most recent Kombat Kast from NetherRealm where the team showed off a bit more of Cassie Cage's variations and then finished with her performing a Brutality to end the match. Of course this was also followed up with a montage of a bunch of other Brutalities to help add up to the more than 100 different Brutality finishers. That would average at least 5 different Brutalities for each of the shown character slots for Mortal Kombat X.
What is interesting about Brutalities in Mortal Kombat X is that unlike before not all of them need to be an 11 or more button press combo to perform. In fact, as described by the developers, some of them require specific events during the match to fire off. This could be anything from button mashing near the end of a throw or combo or specific combos with meter burn included. They don't sound as difficult to perform as before but they will be worth the effort. You can see the montage of Mortal Kombat X Brutalities just below.
Mortal Kombat X — Brutality
I will say that I am excited to see these finishers added into Mortal Kombat X. They do look to be like special X-Ray moves which is what I thought took place of Brutalities in MK9 but at least they no longer just make the character explode when finished. If you watch the video above you'll have seen that they also include heads popping off, blood rains, sawing in half, and limb removal. The fact that there are more than 100 in the game also adds in some great flare and variations so we can always keep our opponents guessing in Mortal Kombat X.
What do you think about Brutalities making their way back into Mortal Kombat X? Should they have been left out due to X-Ray attacks? Will you use them to shame people in your matches as I will? Let us know in the comments below. Hells, let us also speculate on the different ones that will be included in the final version of Mortal Kombat X and how they will most likely expand in updates and DLC moving forward.