If you are under the age of 17 and have parents that pay attention to you then you may not be playing Batman: Arkham Knight as it has received an M rating by the ERSB. This news comes from Rocksteady directly so this isn't some random musing or news from scouring through the huge DB that the ERSB has for all of the titles it has rated. I am sure it is there but none the less this is coming from the horse's mouth so to say.
Here is what Sefton Hill (founder of Rocksteady and game director on Batman: Arkham Knight) had to say on the matter for all us.
From our point of view, we never wrote it or made [Batman: Arkham Knight] with a rating in mind. We never did that in the previous two games… We just felt that this is the story that we really wanted to tell. I'm not blind to the fact that the rating does mean some fans will miss out… I don't want to be oblivious to that fact. It would have been wrong to water down the game and deliver a story we didn't believe in to keep the game 'mass market' or enable it for more people. We feel that's the wrong way to go about it. We said we love the story and we don't want to jeopardize that. |
Batman: Arkham Knight — Ace Chemicals Infiltration Full Trailer
So there you have it. Batman: Arkham Knight is hitting the mature level and they really are going out with a bang here. I am now even more curious on what happens in Batman: Arkham Knight as the previous titles were pretty rough but just on the line of "T for Teen" when all was said and done. What could have pushed the rating over the live to M for Batman: Arkham Knight? I can't imagine it being any kind of sex scenes or themes in the game so it must be some of the violence or dialog that was just too dirty for the Puritanical minds to handle.
Are you one of those affected by the M rating for Batman: Arkham Knight? Do you have any other thoughts as to why it would be given such a rating, specifically since it sounds tied to the story? Let us all know down in the comments. Hells, let us know if has drastically changed your view on wanting to play Batman: Arkham Knight. We all want to know.