It's been almost a month since Dying Light released on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. There is DLC but outside of the fun and amazing gameplay of Dying Light we need something to help keep our attention to the game to make sure it lives longer than the zombies in the game. At least for all of those gamers out there who have an attention span of less than a puppy in a pet store. Those people are no longer reading now so let us move on into the new way we are having our Dying Light attentions captured; MORE LIVE ACTION INSPIRED PARKOUR VIDEOS!!!
Yes, we have yet another parkour video recorded by fans of Dying Light and in this little video montage with a small story attached we get to see what a day and night of a runner could be when "The Last Supply Drop" happens in Harran. Will the factions and communities go all The Walking Dead on each other or will we have humans banding together to aid each other ala World War Z. That answer has been given in the following "inspired by" video for Dying Light. Let's have a look.
Dying Light — The Last Supply Drop
Yep. Humans are still dicks in this version of Dying Light and any zombie outbreak as we can assume. They may have teamed up from the start but none of them went to aid each other in the attempts to survive. What was interesting here though is that, unlike some of the other fun videos that Techland and Warner Bros. have not pulled from the internet, the actors and runners used moves that are actually performed in the game. Granted all of the zombies were the faster-can-parkour-too breed but that can be forgiven I guess.
I know that we are most likely going to see about four more of these Dying Light inspired videos while we wait to have more and more reasons to keep the game loaded up; everyone wants to be a YouTube star and such. I will throw out the kudos for trying to keep it closer to the game instead of what happens to be your specific free running style with zombies chasing you. Now if only there was going to be an event like this at our upcoming conventions…