Hopefully you've followed along here for some time now and know of my love for #KillAllZombies. That would also mean that you know about the twin-stick zombie shooter title that Beatshapers put out last year. If not you can read my full review of the game over here. If you do know then let us continue on as it looks like we are getting those two modes the loading screen has been teasing for so long added into the mix. Yes, #KillAllZombies is getting local co-op and a tower defense like mode to keep us all coming back to the game and boosting our Twitch followers with jerks or angels depending on how they help during the play while streaming from the PS4.
You may be thinking "wasn't there already an update like this for #KillAllZombies?" as there technically was but it didn't add in more than a few new weapons, enemies, perks, and fewer Twitch commands. You also may be the same kind of person who plays a game for a few days/weeks and then moves on without seeing how it can evolve when you have a development team working on something they are passionate about. #KillAllZombies definitely looks to have such a team as their patches haven't been only to fix bugs that may have been there when the game shipped but they are actively adding content for the game. None the less, here is a good break down for what #KillAllZombies' next patch will include.
- Local Co-Op — The local co-op game mode is based upon the premise of the survival mode, but is adapted for two player co-operative multiplayer use with each player allowed to choose their own weapon. There are dedicated co-op perks as both players level up simultaneously with the perk going to the player that requests it first with the ability to revive your co-op partner, alongside Share Play support in co-operative multiplayer.
- Defend The Vault — The Defend the Vault game mode is reminiscent of the tower defense genre as your objective is to protect the vault which contains a flag from incoming hordes of zombies. The zombies only have their eyes on the vault this time instead of eating your brains. However, despite you not being targeted by zombies, you will gain money for every zombie you kill which can then be invested by upgrading your defenses by purchasing turrets – you can also exchange weapons for turrets in order to strengthen your defenses in the appropriate areas.
- New Commands — Over 70 new Twitch live interactions added to #KILLALLZOMBIES
I think I have sung the praises of #KillAllZombies enough already. Or at least enough for this update. It really is a fun game to waste some time while waiting for the next big AAA title that is only going to hold your attention for a few hours. Now #KillAllZombies has more ways and you can include your friends and loved ones into the mix. At least include them without forcing them to watch via Twitch and spam any of the plethora of commands that can aid or harm you while playing #KillAllZombies. This is a good thing I promise.