If you signed up for Rock Band's newsletter or linked your games to Harmonix's web accounts then you might have received a nice little email recently asking you to take a survey. If you did not, then A you are missing out and B you would not have been asked directly about all of your past Rock Band experiences. These kinds of surveys go out all of the time and in fact this would be the second one I have seen in the last few months. What is catching about this one though is that it again asks users if they have interest in Rock Band on the PS4 and Xbox One as well as the features they enjoyed already.
If you want to see the survey for yourself you can head on over to here and fill it out. Tell them Hades sent you and you'll get no kind of bonus at all. After you get through all of the general "gaging how much you played Rock Band" question is when things get interesting. I believe it is near the bottom of page two and page three but the questions turn to what sound like development questions to see what to include into a possible Rock Band 4 or next gen port. I know I want all of my old hardware to work with future editions.
In fact some of these questions sound more like features to keep or add when moving forward with Rock Band. They could also be things to not include and waste time on to get Rock Band onto the PS4 and Xbox One. Who knows? They could also be nothing more than Harmonix trying to figure out if they should try and keep their DLC library contracts active or if the franchise has tapered off. They have not been truly focusing on Rock Band for some time now. At least it feels like it has been a long time.
I am and always have been a huge fan of the Rock Band franchise. I actually still play with some of my busted controllers just to keep the rock star dream alive in my living room. I know I would love to see a next gen version of Rock Band that can port all of my downloaded songs and still use the functioning hardware I spent a ton of money on. Sooner or later the PS3 and Xbox 360 are going to go away and with that titles like Rock Band too. Unless Harmonix can get things back up to speed and get us all rocking some GWAR again while playing drinking games. At least if you are old enough for both of those.
Would you like to see a new Rock Band? At least a port of the old Rock Band to the new consoles? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.