If you've been hammering away at Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare and have yet to sneak a peek at the hidden Easter egg in the Exo Survival mode then you are in for a treat. That is if you haven't already searched across the web looking for the infamous zombies mode in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare. That would be the Easter egg I have been speaking of. If you've missed it already though, we have it just below for you to look at and not have to fight your way through multiple waves of enemies in the game to peek.
Just so you know the following video is what plays when you make it to the end of the Riot map in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare's Exo Survival mode. Here you go even though we've shown you all before.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare — Exo Zombies
So why are we bring this up again if we've already shown it or seen it before? Well it looks like we will be getting the full Exo Zombies mode in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare when the first batch of DLC comes in. That would be the Havoc DLC for those who have a season pass or are looking for which to pick up. Although from the way the news from Sledgehammer reads this will only be the first chapter in the Exo Zombies experience. This could mean that each of the four DLC packs that come in the Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass could have another chapter and thus more zombie killing fun. Nifty.
The Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc DLC is slated to release in January of 2015 so we won't have much longer to just look at this Easter egg in the game. Granted that will mean that we will be in the mix of things instead of just sitting back and watching so that would be the major bonus. Time to get excited all of you who desperately wanted zombies back in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare.