Just as I called it two weeks ago, Tales From The Borderlands' first episode (Zer0 Sum) is now available for download and play for the PS3, PS4, and PC. To celebrate and get all of you vault hunters ready and excited we also have the launch trailer just a bit lower to show you what is going on in Tales From The Borderlands and how Telltale is truly expanding on Gearbox's huge franchise. Remember this whole story takes place well after Borderlands 2 for those keeping track.
Have look at the new trailer for Tales From The Borderlands since I know this is why you are here in the first place.
Tales From The Borderlands — Launch Trailer
So there you have it. Tales From The Borderlands is currently available to download on Steam and should be live on the PlayStation store as soon as they refresh and update the servers. For all of those not on those platforms or in the US, you can look to have Tales From The Borderlands on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One tomorrow (11/26). All of those EU region people will have to unfortunately wait until December 3rd to get their hands on some sweet, sweet Tales From The Borderlands action though. I'll apologize that you have to wait for Telltale as I don't think I've seen a good "sorry" from them to date. So, sorry.
Now to go give Tales From The Borderlands a solid play through and hope that they have hit a home run with this title. Or at least keep it interesting enough to keep me coming back for each new episode.