I loathe needing to link out to other sites that are all about being paid support video games but that is the only way we are going to get any further Evolve updates now. Looks like IGN has locked that up but that won't stop us from bringing our look and opinion as now we have Abe the new Trapper for Evolve. Now we are up to three different Trappers and two of everything else as the Big Alpha wound down on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Glad that we all get to miss out on the new stuff for the click bait.
Enough of that for now and let us move on to Abe.
As you should know by now Evolve's third Trapper is called Abe. Like every other Trapper he is there to help keep the fight raging on as everyone tries to take down the monsters in the game. Of course Abe wouldn't be much more than another skin if he didn't come packaged with cool gear to set him apart from the other two Trappers we already have in Evolve. Abe has tracking darts and a stasis grenade to help find and kill the monsters because they do need killing if we've learned anything from Evolve yet.
Below you can see these new items and the hunter in action as what good would it be to explain them without footage? Although I do have to say that Abe seems a bit overpowered when it comes to Trappers already in Evolve. First off his tracking dart doesn't need to actually hit the monster to work. He can tag any creature in the world and if the monster eats it the tracker turns on. Then you have the stasis grenade that will slow down the Goliath and force the Kraken to stop flying. Pretty much making them easy pick-ins for the rest of the team. Have a look and see how he dominates the match.
Evolve — Abe The Trapper
See what I mean here? Abe looks to be a bit unbalanced even in unskilled hands for Evolve. The monster here went down too fast and I blame it on Abe being able to neutralize the Kraken's best mode of transportation with just one grenade. I am not sure if this is the same case when it comes to the Goliath but at least here any Kraken player might as well as Rage Quit as soon as they see Abe in the mix. Slow the monster down, sure, but completely stop the main mode of transportation for up to 15 seconds seems a bit like overkill. Of course the kill being seeing above.