Now that we are getting all of the single player updates for Far Cry 4 we should look for an update for the multiplayer aspect of the game. At least one of them which is just what we have explained a bit in the most recent trailer for Far Cry 4. It even has a bit more on the lore of Kyrat and Pagan Min for all of those story fiends out there. You know, because there are so many of us out there.
During the Battles Of Kyrat multiplayer we will be taking on the role of either Pagan Min's Rakshasa warriors or the Golden Path which is comprised of the residents of Kyrat who have enough of his bullshit. These factions will be squaring off in one of three different multiplayer modes in Far Cry 4 that kind of boil down to a capture the flag and defend style of play only that each will have an unique concept or story behind why you are doing what you are doing.
First up we have Outposts which pits the Rakshasa on a mission to claim the outposts that the Golden Path have set up in Far Cry 4. The Golden Path obviously are trying to defend each to makes sure they don't lose any footing in Kyrat. This is pretty much like the second one called Propaganda in which the Rakshasa are spreading the word of Pagan Min and need to keep their presses running while the Golden Path tries to blow them up and put them out of the printing business.
The last mode discussed here for Far Cry 4 is Demon Mask. A plain and simple looking capture the flag style game that has both teams trying to get the Demon Mask and keep it. It looks like there are a few special things that happen to the player who wears said mask but nothing too detailed outside of being hunted around the world of Far Cry 4 to reclaim the mask. I'm guessing they will get some super abilities to accompany the different weapons each faction will have.
Far Cry 4 — Battles of Kyrat
I am really digging the arrow style combat of the Rakshasa here for Far Cry 4. All of the myths of the demons look to be present only by the faction using special arrows to trigger the events. Neat idea and I can't wait to give it all a try here on November 18th.