Today is the day that The Evil Within is released to the world. So far the reviews haven't been as shiny as I am guessing Bethesda and Tango Gameworks has wanted but I am still very optimistic for The Evil Within in the long run. That isn't the point here though as any review from our site is still in the works and we only have a new trailer for The Evil Within to celebrate the games launch on PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. So if you aren't playing the game then you have something else to see besides all of those out there hammering through The Evil Within via streaming video.
Comically or not this latest trailer for The Evil Within is titled It Wants Out. I'm guessing we can assume that it is that mentioned evil in the title of the game that wants out. It's either that or all of those horrid monsters in The Evil Within wanting out to do release their madness on the world. It obviously isn't the game its self as it is out today in the U.S.
The Evil Within — It Wants Out
The more video I see for The Evil Within it makes me question all of those reviewers out there who have been rushing to get their reviews out for site clicks. The Evil Within looks like a title that needs to be slowly enjoyed and not rushed through to get the real feel of the game. I hear people claim it is more action oriented like the failing Resident Evil titles but I'm not getting how when there is a huge focus on stealth. Maybe this all goes back to the Instant Gratification society that we've become as gamers. That is all I can think.