In case you wanted to make sure that there were no mistakes on how open and dynamic the world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be we have yet another look at just that aspect of the game. This time straight from the horse's mouth of CD Projekt Red. Although I am pretty sure that the team over there has been behind every showcasing of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to date but this time we get them all face to face for this showing. So get ready to see all those sexy beards and people from the team geared up to explain their title.
For those who may be looking for a bit more in the terms of information before you drop the five minutes on watching this new video for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt I'll break it down a bit for you.
We have a bit more, but not much, on the dynamic weather and day/night cycle of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. There is also a bit more on how each of the 2000+ NPCs of the game are supposed to be 100% unique and have something different to say based on all of the different stimuli that you or the world may bring up. Hopefully this isn't just a ploy like Watch_Dogs had and that each really does have more to say and do than the same five scripted lines over and over. That and that they really do react in different ways if antagonized; I'm hoping that some people may actually challenge you instead of cower in fear.
I'll leave the rest of it all up to you though. Have fun seeing the few little bits that are new for The Witcher 3. Are you still excited for the game after being strung along for so long? Do you just wish February 24th would just get here already? Sound off below and maybe CD Projekt Red will see it.