Back in November of 2013 we got the first look at what the Heavenly Sword CGI film would look like. I had my reservations, and still do, about this film and some of the things that looked to be missing when everything was announced. One of whom was one of my favorite characters Kai. At least that concern has been covered as she shown in this new trailer in all of her arrow shooting glory. Hopefully she will not just be a side note or a discarded character as they really seem to be focusing on Nariko.
That concern out of the way, now let's move into the new ones.
When watching the below trailer, maybe it is just me but the CGI for Heavenly Sword looks really crappy. Even when compared to the original game that came out seven years ago, the game looks better in the visual department. At least if they were going to try and keep the realistic versions of the character designs. It honestly looks like the studio doing the CG work has gone down the path of a lot of Disney cartoons or franchises that have the CGI cartoon make over. I am just not digging it. Everything is more anime-like and not realistic like set in a fantasy world. That is just how I am seeing it though.
We will find out this year though as Heavenly Sword is still slated for a 2014 digital release. Hopefully a limited theatrical release too but details are still a bit sketchy. What do you think though? Do you think this film will do Heavenly Sword justice or just fall flat? It's such a great and fun story but if it poorly executed it'll be a waste of money and time.