Games in a Flash - Revenge Of The Mouse all the websites from Gmail to Kodak. So while your already not working anyways, here are some games in Adobe Flash to contribute to your lack of work today. I thought to really add some flair, I would post games that only use the mouse to play! (I didn't want to make you work)

Tactical Assassin

This is an awesome first person shooter from Simon Hason and Negative Flash. This game puts you in the role of a Sniper, and by using your mouse and a lite briefing by Intel, you navigate through a few levels of knocking off "Targets". Great game to play casually, and all you need for controls is a mouse! Thanks to Simon Hason and Negative Flash.

Mouse = Aim
Left Click = Fire

JetPack Jackass


I know... I know. I post a lot of Adult Swim games, but these are too good to pass up. Plus the Soundtrack on this one is Ah-Mazing! Your the run of the mill jobless guy who spent probably more time than he needed to building a jet pack. So click your mouse and launch yourself into the sky, and show your girlfriend how Macho you are when your soaring through the clouds! Hooray Adult Swim Games and This is Pop

Click the mouse to launch yourself into the air
Move the mouse left or right and he follows the pointer on the screen
Bounce off debris go gain height

Don't Save The Princess


Finally we end on a puzzle title called Don't Save the Princess. Yes you read correctly, the goal is to *not* save the princess, but send our valiant hero to his death by placing directional blocks in his way. This creative game is a lot of fun, and gives way to some creative deaths. Shout out to Shengames for this awesome time waster!

Mouse= Move Cursor
Click= Select/De-select/Place A Block