A Change of Color

In the next major patch for World of Warcraft, druids will be able to find color schemes for the bear and cat forms. Blizzard made the following announcement on their Under Development page:

“There will be five different designs for each of these forms for the Horde and Alliance. Night elves can choose to change their cat and bear look at any time by visiting the barber shop and changing their character's hair color, while tauren will be able to change which look they use by switching skin tones in the barber shop -- a new feature for tauren in the next major content patch. Given that there are more hair colors and skin tones than unique form looks, some colors and tones will overlap with these new textures. The hair and skin colors chosen will, in most cases, correspond with the color seen in the look of each form. Some similar colors that may share a particular cat texture will not necessarily share the same bear texture.”

There you have it, and I can hear you all crying for joy at this very moment. Now if only Blizzard would do this for hunter pets and Warlock summons. Then everyone could just be one big happy family with different color fur, pets, or summons. If we're truly lucky, maybe next they will announce different color armor!