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Isaac Isn't The Only One Fighting Through The Sprawl Of Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of February 2011 - 09:29 PM ]
You know one thing I noticed when playing through Dead Space 2, and the other Dead Space titles for that matter? The lack of other real "hero" types on the ship or Sprawl. Yea Extraction and Ignition had other protagonists, but for the most part they turned out not as heroic as Isaac. I mean Ignition had 2 scenarios where Franco kills Sarah in cold blood. Then you have McNeill in Extraction that seems to have been turned into a Necromorph in the epilogue of the game.* Well, come this March 1st we will get to see another protagonist, from Extraction, try to fit into Isaac's Rig to add another two chapters to Dead Space 2. Read More...
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Play Ring Around The Necromorph In Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of November 2010 - 10:04 PM ]
While I doubt this will be a game play mode for the upcoming Dead Space 2 multiplayer, that doesn't make the below trailer for the game any less creepy and awesome. Just about on par with the awesome "Twinkle Little Star" trailer from the first Dead Space. Which I will add, there is nothing creepier than having a three year old look at you and start singing that version at you in a cold, dark game room. Check it out. Pretty damn awesome huh? Read More...
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Dead Space Is No Longer A Solo Horror
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of September 2010 - 08:13 PM ]
Generally in a survival horror game, the protagonist is left isolated and alone for the game with only getting a few "human" interactions along the way to help drive the progression of the game. Think back and see that I am right on this. Are you done? Good. That said, doesn't this seem the age of multiplayer for multiplayer's sake lately? So it should seem no real shock that another great survival horror - in this case Dead Space 2 - has taken on the need for multiplayer. Not a first for the franchise if you think back to the Wii rail-shooter Dead Space: Extraction, but that wasn't truly a survival horror, was it? Read More...
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Comic Con Hands On: Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 3rd of August 2010 - 09:54 PM ]
It has been only a little over a month after we first brought you our thoughts on Dead Space 2 from E3. So what new can we bring you about DS2 that we haven't already talked about? Well, actually getting to take the reins of the demo they showed in the back rooms at E3 for one. If you have seen the game play from E3, then you know exactly what part of the game we got to look at behind curtains at Comic Con. Only this time we didn't have to rely on the game designers to tell us how great the new controls for Dead Space 2 are going to be. I can attest that they are just as tight and awesome as previously described. Read More...
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E3 2010 Impressions: Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of June 2010 - 08:51 PM ]
Hidden in the back corner, deep within the confines of the EA booth was a small Church of Unitology. Within the church was a plethora of wooden pews with "hymn" books placed before them. As we were ushered in, the electronic candles dimmed and we were greeted with a short introduction. Pleasantries dispatched, we hopped right into the game play of Dead Space 2. Now from watching the EA and Sony press conferences, you may be thinking that you have already received all the visual goodness Visceral Games had to show for Dead Space 2. Well, you are pretty much correct, at least as far as content is concerned. Read More...
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Dead Space 2 Cover Art Revealed
by Brian Goodman [ Saturday, 5th of June 2010 - 09:40 PM ]
I guess there isn't much else to say besides what is in the title. Here is a link to the tweet just released from the official Dead Space Twitter account. You can also see the art at the bottom of this post. About a year and a half ago ago I bought the first Dead Space used in the bargain bin, looking to kill some time. I wasn't expecting to, but I personally really enjoyed the first Dead Space. It wasn't very scary, nor did it have a very original plot, but it functioned very well with above average mechanics and fantastic graphics. Read More...
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Dead Space Lets You Kill Babies Like Dante
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of May 2010 - 08:59 PM ]
Visceral Games just likes killing babies. Or at least that is how it seems from their games. First you get to slaughter the unbaptized ones in Dante's Inferno. Now, for the screens below, it looks like you get to kill "infected" babies in Dead Space 2. Infected and with Cthulhu growing out their back babies. Ok, well those ones need killing I guess... What also needs killing is the person who took these screen captures as well. Read More...
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Mini Review: Dante's Inferno: Trials Of Lucida
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of May 2010 - 02:32 PM ]
It was talked about way back in February when Dante's Inferno first launched and has since come to fruition. That being the DLC that adds multiplayer to a game that was originally sold as a single player experience. Also DLC that adds the ability for players to build their own challenge maps for other people who own Dante's Inferno to play. The DLC I am speaking of is The Trials Of Lucida. Is it worth the $10? Read More...
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Next Week Dante's Inferno Will Get Challenging
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 24th of April 2010 - 02:20 PM ]
Just when you thought that Dante's Inferno was over and done the next major DLC for the title is hitting digital shelves. You know, the one that adds co-op play and the ability to create your own challenges for other people who are still playing Dante's Inferno to give a play. If there are still people who have not forgotten Dante's Inferno for God of War III that is. You know, those few Christians out there that refuse to play a "Pagan" title for a just as violent "Christian" version of the game. Jokes and pokes aside, the Trials of St. Read More...
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Dead Space 2 Does Dark Void Right
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of April 2010 - 01:41 PM ]
So if you were at PAX East last week, or at least following the official Dead Space Twitter account, you might have had the chance to catch a glimpse of what is to bee seen of the Dead Space 2. Either by being in the conference room or via the live uStream of the event. But just in case you didn't get to catch it either way, or just don't want to sit through all the other stuff they talked about, here is the video of in-game footage. Not the best shot of the action, but it is something. Also not 22 minutes long. Read More...
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Review: Dante's Inferno
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of February 2010 - 02:11 AM ]
Hell is a touchy subject. It has been and always will be. It was much worse to even speak about it back when Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy where he mapped out the circles of Heaven and Hell for all those God fearing Christians to know exactly what he thought was in store for humanity after they shed their mortal coil. But at least he made it easy to disseminate between the three areas one soul could go to. Now that the history lesson is over, let's look at where that has gone now, EA and Visceral Games', Dante's Inferno. Read More...
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Datne's Inferno Tells The Super Bowl To Go To Hell
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of February 2010 - 08:26 PM ]
So if for some reason you are going to be part of half of the US not watching the Super Bowl, or you don't live in the US and could give half a flying rats ass about the big game here, EA is not leaving you out in the cold with there expensive ass ad appearing during the game. Even if you plan on watching the game, listen up here too. We have something to cover everyone no matter their feelings on American Football's biggest game. Below we have a sneak peak at the commercial that has already cause controversy without even airing. Read More...
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Dante's Inferno Needed A Montage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 30th of January 2010 - 09:40 PM ]
While not the same montage sequence from Team America, it is none the less as awesome. Just in a different way. One was a comical character build up using marionettes. The other, well a action packed showing of how bad ass Dante is, and will be, through out the game. With Dante's showing him off with all the in game graphics and effects we will be getting here in just over a week. This clip is not all that long, but it will give you a cool feel for what actions and attack Dante will have in his arsenal. If you haven't played the demo all that many times that is. Read More...
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Dante's Inferno Is Taking The PS3 To Hell Early
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of December 2009 - 03:42 AM ]
So in a time where exclusives can greatly help a console system, as long as the game is going to be a big one, it looks as if Sony just landed themselves half a big fish. A fish that is showing up on the XBox and the PSP as well. But it looks like the best version of Dante's Inferno, the game I'm talking about, is going to be on the PS3 and only the PS3. The next best part, FOR NO ADDITIONAL COST TO US GAMERS. Yea you read that, now love it. Read More...
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EA announces Dead Space 2
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 8th of December 2009 - 12:40 AM ]
EA announces today Dead Space 2... again.... formally this time....  That's right your favorite silent hero Isaac Clarke is making a comeback. Although certain people who will remain nameless *cough* Glenn Schofield *cough* have already mentioned back in October that Dead Space would be getting a sequel, it seems Visceral Games wanted an actual press release, just to make it all official and fancy.Visceral Games (Previously known as EA Redwood Shores) have much to say about the new title:“We’re thrilled to jump back into the series, making the next chapter in Isaac’s journey. The infection continues to spread throughout space and our hero Isaac Clarke is the only person able to contain it. Read More...
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