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Final Fantasy Like You've Never Seen
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 29th of January 2009 - 06:09 PM ]
New Final Fantasy XIII Trailer So last week I brought you the view of the counter on the Final Fantasy XIII web site. There was a lot of question what it was going to bring when it hit zero. Well now that it has hit Zero, which option was it from the list. Not the sephiroth one, unfortunately. But it was what some flash decompilers let out to the world. A New trailer for the game. Not to big of a surprise. Read More...
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Countdown To What?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 06:02 PM ]
Final Fantasy XIII Countdown To What? So there is no solid news about what is going on at the Final Fantasy XIII site, but there is now a counter on the front page, and a button to register to be informed of what is going to happen when the counter hits zero. It is obviously not a count down to when the game is going to launch because the counter ends in roughly seven days. But it could be something awesome given all the stuff that has been hitting Japanese magazines lately. My guess is that is a countdown to where you need to spread out the news of the count down to 13 people or Sephiroth will show up and give you a nice sword through the chest. Read More...
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