Rock Band Rip Off?

So Activision did what I knew they would. Try to copy it's best competitor to try and cash in on a market that they didn't get in on from the start. Yes, the pic above is of a new drum kit to be used in Guitar Hero 4. If you didn't hear already, the next Guitar Hero will have vocals and drums added into the mix. And this is the pick of the drum kit that will most likely be used in the game. Granted it is different from the Rock Band one, having three pads and two dedicated cymbals added as well. But come on. Really?

Basic news aside, I have one good question. How the fuck can you still call it Guitar Hero if it is no longer all about the Guitars? This makes zero sense to me. We get that you are trying to make money Activision, but you could have done a rip off in a different way than this. But hey, I'll probably also be in line to give it a good college try. We'll see. Yay Corporate America!

Here's the link to the source.

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