Sony Gaming News


Because I couldn't afford to go international and to the Playstation Day in London, I'm relying on one of my favorite news sites to hook up the cut. So there will be quite a bit here seeing as it all goes under the same news area. No point in doing a plethora of news posts when they can all be placed here. Enjoy

Killzone 2 Dated for 2009

So not too much on this game, but the release date has been given for it. Well more a release month than anything. That is it will be out in February of 2009. So, yea. Still might get bumped again, but who knows. Not that it was suppose to be out any time sooner before or that Sony hasn't bumped before.

On another note, we'll most likely see some more on this game within the next week or so. There are rumors floating that there will be a playable version of the game for the press either at the London Playstation Day or the U.S. one next week.

Here's some video of it.

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LittleBigPlanet Delayed... Again

Wow... another Shocker right? Much like the delay of Home. This was slated for September to be released, but it is now pushed back until October. Not much of a delay, but it is yet another push for a game that was suppose to be due out a while ago. YAY SCEE for making us all wait a bit longer.

I'm speculating that this is to be part and partial to the new date for the Public Beta of Home. Due in October as well. Maybe a smoke screen to appease the masses for their year long delay of something a load of us PS3 owner have wanted. /sigh

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Resistance 2

So I hooked up the Game Trailer's Teaser for this game a little under a month ago. It has also been recently loosed on the PSN Store. Got me all soggy. Now with this extra info, I'll be putting on some swimming trunks.

First, we all know or at least heard about the 60 player online games. Really cool. But to go a bit further, it will allow for groups to be linked through squads. So it won't need to be a 60 person free for all, but you and your buddies could go around and use some pack tactics to pwn the others online. On top of that, it is also stated that it will get you to respawn near the same group of players. No more being spawned away from your team.

Second, There will be an 8 player co-op mode for the game. Each with their own story, characters and rewards. Now that may sound not so cool at face value, but think about it. No having 8 people run through a level that has the same story and such as the single player game, but actually have some form of incentive to play with friends. Also help get you ready for the cool squads in the multiplayer mode.

Lastly, the game is due out in November. If there is now delay and such. Which means there should be a demo online soon. My speculation to just go along with the date thing. That should be taken with salt.

Here's some video of it.

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Motorstorm 2 Gets Named, Detailed

On top of some cool new screens, they finally let loose the official name of the sequel to Motorstorm. /Drum roll. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. Thinking because the game takes place in a very tropical island. Could be a pretty good guess on my part. But who knows.

There is a bunch of things added to this new iteration of the game. Double the tracks. Monster trucks. 16 player online races. On top of that a few new game play features. Like driving through water can cool down the engine and keep from over heating. More to come though.

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Gran Turismo Racing Academy Announced

Kind of a little blurb here on a real life version of Gran Turismo. SCEE and Nissan are teaming up to run what sounds like a contest/reality webisodic thing. They will be recording members in the academy and their progression through it all. Release it on the PSN.

Sounds like a contest cause two people will get a 4 month racing tutorial and then be allowed to race in the Dubai race in January. Keep up to date with this starting on the 23rd.

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Episodic Siren Blood Curse Hits PS3 This Summer

This is kind of a cool little thing that is coming soon. It's going to be 12 separate downloadable episodes. It is also a gaming first. But in today's age, it is getting easier to get to that state of being. From reading it, it is hard to gauge if it is actually a game or going to be little videos. I'll have to look harder into it. But the idea is killer.

The story behind this is that a bunch of Americans decide to go where they shouldn't. We do that a lot. This time it's a little village in Japan where human sacrifices went down. Now they need to survive an onslaught of living dead to get back and tell the tale.

Kind of sounds cool. I'll be partaking when it lands.

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Europe Getting MGS4 Bundle

After making it seem like it was only going to be hitting everywhere but Europe, it was announced that there should be no one out of the loop for the new MGS4 PS3 Bundle. That was a lot of acronyms there. All of this landing on the 12th of June. So yea, they will be hooked up just as much.

What comes in this bundle? Well of course the PS3. A SixAxis. Not sure why not a DS3, but hey. And the game its self. All for the price of 439.99 Euros. No word on if it will be the gun metal PS3, but it is a bundle none the less for everyone. We'll have to see right?

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Mirror's Edge In Motion

I heard about this game a while back, and it sounded like fun. Well at least what was told about it. Mainly the parkour. You know, the crazy stuff the Jackie Chan does and such. Or if you played Assassin's Creed, that stuff too. But yea, it looked pretty good from the stills.

Well a teaser video has been produced for it and it has my interest peaked a little more now. Looks like a rousing play through of Ninja Warrior or the like. Kind of curious on why you have to run all over and jump off things, but hey, that just means me digging deeper to find out what is up and the whole skinny. Check out the video from the link below. You might be impressed as well.

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